Posts Tagged consent


Seven Reasons Consent Apps Are A Terrible Idea

Feminists: making everything harder for god-fearing gentlemen who feel entitled to get laid. We’ve come a long way from the good old days when men had a right to sex with their wives regardless of women’s opinion on the matter (marital rape was legal in the US until the 20th century). With the evil witch-hands of feminism continuing to reach into our bedrooms, we have to ask: will The Feminists now make us all sign a contract on an app before getting busy?

Feminists: making everything harder for god-fearing gentlemen who feel entitled to get laid. We’ve come a long way from the good old days when men had a right to sex with their wives regardless of women’s ...


Is There A “Gray Zone” in Consent?

If you’ve ever made a formal complaint of gendered violence, you might have felt that translating raw experience into the language of law is like describing a walk through the forest using only the formal scientific names of the trees.

If you’ve ever made a formal complaint of gendered violence, you might have felt that translating raw experience into the language of law is like describing a walk through the forest using only the formal ...

ansari is gross af

Dear NYT and Atlantic: Do We Really Need A Primer On Enthusiastic Consent in 2018?

After a woman pseudonymously named “Grace” accused comedian Aziz Ansari of sexual assault last week, it took less than 24 hours for the victim blaming to begin: spearheaded, of course, by none other than reactionary, conservative and uncritical voices at the New York Times and the Atlantic

After a woman pseudonymously named “Grace” accused comedian Aziz Ansari of sexual assault last week, it took less than 24 hours for the victim blaming to begin: spearheaded, of course, by none other than reactionary, ...

ask banner

Feministing Reads: Ask

When you really start thinking about consent and power, you go through a mental wormhole where your brain short-circuits over questions like: What is the meaning of consent when the world is so unequal? Is there such a thing as a relationship that is free of coercion? I didn’t consent to being born into capitalism so how can I be made to get out of bed for work?

When you really start thinking about consent and power, you go through a mental wormhole where your brain short-circuits over questions like: What is the meaning of consent when the world is so unequal? Is ...

Mother India

Pleasure in the Time of Nationalism

A version of this piece was first given as a talk at the St. Stephen’s College Gender Studies Cell in Delhi University North Campus, India. It’s written in the context of the ongoing Indian student movement for the right to dissent, which began as a protest of the arrest of several student activists from Jawaharlal Nehru University under a colonial-era sedition law for supposed “anti-national” activities. You can follow Feministing’s coverage of the movement here.

A version of this piece was first given as a talk at the St. Stephen’s College Gender Studies Cell in Delhi University North Campus, India. It’s written in the context of the ongoing Indian student movement for ...

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