Posts Tagged CLPP 2011

Fighting for solidarity

This past weekend’s CLPP reproductive justice conference, for me, was by far the hardest, most challenging and most rewarding yet. As I said on the Transfeminisms panel, I am really feeling the pressure of this particular political moment, where the divide between rich and poor in the US is more stark than ever and the group of have nots is growing every day. Nothing much has changed for communities who are seemingly ignored, really targeted for exclusion through deportation, incarceration, and literal death at the hands of state forces. The small pot of resources for marginalized folks continues to shrink, and it was never enough to begin with.

It was clear so many of us at the conference entered ...

This past weekend’s CLPP reproductive justice conference, for me, was by far the hardest, most challenging and most rewarding yet. As I said on the Transfeminisms panel, I am really feeling the pressure of this particular ...

CLPP 2011: Transfeminisms

explores trans and gender justice activism, reproductive rights, feminism, and the connections between our movements. How does transmysogyny affect all of our communities? How can we build strong connections among trans communities? Panelists will discuss their experiences with community building, movement building, representation, connecting with allies, and infusing gender justice into our understanding of feminisms.

“I fucking love gender.” -Jos Truitt

This panel featured Jules Rosskam, teacher and filmmaker, Jos Truitt, our very own blogger and activist, and Toni Olin-Mignosa, beautician and activist.

It sought to address, among other things, the ways trans people are policed around norms, and how the struggle against this policing is closely tied to the larger reproductive justice movement.

Jos gave a fantastic presentation on the ...

explores trans and gender justice activism, reproductive rights, feminism, and the connections between our movements. How does transmysogyny affect all of our communities? How can we build strong connections among trans communities? Panelists will discuss their experiences ...

CLPP 2011: Sex Positive Feminism 101

Feminist movers and shakers focused on contraception, HIV/AIDS/STI prevention and sexual violence can benefit from pro-active strategies for incorporating the wide range of human desire and the positive benefits of sexuality into their work. How do the lessons of the sex-positive movement apply today? This workshop will introduce participants to the vibrant history of sex-positive feminism as a response to the exclusion of women’s desire and sexual autonomy in feminist understandings of oppression, and help participants develop practical sex-positive skills as educators and activists addressing sexuality and health issues.

I was so excited to be present for this panel on sex positive feminism, led by Jenna Mellor and Meredith Zoltick of HIPS, DC. They opened with an ice breaker exercise ...

Feminist movers and shakers focused on contraception, HIV/AIDS/STI prevention and sexual violence can benefit from pro-active strategies for incorporating the wide range of human desire and the positive benefits of sexuality into their work. How do the ...

CLPP 2011: [Semi] Live-Blogging the Opening Plenary

Activists from the U.S. and abroad will speak about their work and visions for advancing the full range of reproductive freedoms, including freedom from coercion and violence, the freedom to parent, sexual freedom and rights, and gender justice. Speakers will address abortion access, the war on drugs and the increasing surveillance and over-policing of our communities, youth rights and LGBTQI+ advocacy and organizing, climate change and environmental justice- connecting these issues and movements, and celebrating the historic strength, courage, and resiliency of our communities.

Woo! We made it! Jos and I are sitting here at Saturday’s opening plenary of the CLPP conference. And we are pumped. A bunch of awesome speakers and activists are going to be giving remarks, so ...

Activists from the U.S. and abroad will speak about their work and visions for advancing the full range of reproductive freedoms, including freedom from coercion and violence, the freedom to parent, sexual freedom and rights, and gender ...

CLPP 2011: Colonized Spaces, Criminalized Bodies

The ongoing legacies of colonialism are tied into the aggressive over-policing of communities of color and criminalization of poor people, immigrants, and sexual minorities. Panelists will talk about activism and personal work to expose and resist the effects of current and historical colonial occupation.

Falguni Sheth, a philosopher teaching at Hampshire College, moderated the panel (as a side note, if I’ve ever written anything smart on this blog it is largely thanks to the education I received from Falguni), framing the issue of colonization as about not only spaces, but bodies and minds. “That’s what colonization is. It’s is about colonizing not just bodies but the minds of folks so you don’t even realize you’re being colonized.”

The ongoing legacies of colonialism are tied into the aggressive over-policing of communities of color and criminalization of poor people, immigrants, and sexual minorities. Panelists will talk about activism and personal work to expose and resist the ...

CLPP 2011: 30 years of reproductive freedom

This guest post is part of Feministing’s collaboration with the 2011 Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom. The conference is this weekend and Jos and Lori will be there representing Feministing and posting about the conference here. Stay tuned for more!

Register now for CLPP’s 30th Anniversary conference, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive freedom, April 8-10, 2011 at ...

This guest post is part of Feministing’s collaboration with the 2011 Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom. The conference is this weekend ...

CLPP 2011: Dr. Sylvia “Guy” Estrada Claudio

This guest post is part of Feministing’s collaboration with the 2011 Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom. The conference is this weekend and Jos and Lori will be there representing Feministing and posting about the conference. Stay tuned for more!

With activists around the country focused on recent attacks on reproductive rights, more than 1,000 community activists, students and national and international leaders will gather in one week to build new strategies for reproductive justice and social change.  Join us at CLPP’s 30th Anniversary conference, From Abortion Rights ...

This guest post is part of Feministing’s collaboration with the 2011 Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom. The conference is this weekend and Jos and ...

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