Posts Tagged civil rights act

Notes from a bitch…what Todd Akin believes…

On Tuesday another Todd Akin story began working through the Twitterverse.  As a Missourian, I felt compelled to investigate the report claiming Todd Akin said he believed breast milk “cures” homosexuality.

Yeah, yeah…I know that sounds too bizarre for folk to think it is true, but we’re talking about Todd Akin here!

The GOP candidate for Senate from Missouri who, up until a couple of weeks ago, legitimately thought that pregnancy could not result from “legitimate rape.”

The Akin breast milk story turned out to be news satire, but I understand why so many people gave it a retweet. Faux claims that Todd Akin thinks breast milk cures homosexuality are in line with Akin’s actual beliefs.

Akin thinks federal student loans are ...

On Tuesday another Todd Akin story began working through the Twitterverse.  As a Missourian, I felt compelled to investigate the report claiming Todd Akin said he believed breast milk “cures” homosexuality.

Yeah, yeah…I know that sounds ...