Posts Tagged cisprivilege

Charts of the Day: This is what cisprivilege looks like

The Transadvocate has put together a few illuminating if disheartening charts showing that  trans folks are too frequently the subject of employer discrimination and unemployment, despite having more education than their cis counterparts.

Chart one, from a survey performed by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, shows that transgender adults have consistently higher levels of education than the general population.

Yet, as you can see in the next two charts, this doesn’t translate into better employment opportunity or higher earnings, as transgender people face disproportionately high levels of workplace discrimination. More charts after the jump. 

The Transadvocate has put together a few illuminating if disheartening charts showing that  trans folks are too frequently the subject of employer discrimination and unemployment, despite having more education than their cis counterparts.

Chart one, from a survey ...