Posts Tagged christine o’donnell


Twitter Responds to #GawkerFAIL on Christine O’Donnell

If you were within a stone’s throw of the interwebs yesterday, odds are you read the piece Gawker ran by anonymous dude (of course, it looks like the race to uncover his identity has already been won) about his (almost) hook-up with Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell.

It was a piece so grossly sexist and sexlessly gross, it forced many feminists, who hate every last thing about O’Donnell’s politics, to not only condemn the article and the decision to run it but also note that it made O’ Donnell seem like a rather sympathetic, relatable figure. Yes, that’s how much this piece backfired.

Twitter also had lots to say about this #gawkerfail. So if you ...

If you were within a stone’s throw of the interwebs yesterday, odds are you read the piece Gawker ran by anonymous dude (of course, it looks like the race to uncover his identity has already been ...