Posts Tagged Chicago school closings

Weekly Feminist Reader

Celebrating Labor Day: weekends, holidays, raises, healthcare.

Happy taxes, queer folks! The IRS recognizes same-sex marriages.

Ann on dating, or not dating, coworkers.

A pursuit to dissect waxing culture.

Implications of doctors getting paid more for C-Sections.

Something is happening in Chicago.

Chelsea Manning and the politics of pronouns.

“Looking through a kaleidoscope of a local lens“.

On Obama and Syria: “The way out of war is always peace.”

Victory for homeless vets in L.A.

Fast food workers continue to strike.

“Drive-in sex” in Zurich.

What do twerking and Hurricane Katrina have to do with each other?

Interracial Romeo and Juliet.

Vintage sex-ed, brought to you by… Disney?

First rapist in Delhi gang-rape gets convicted to 3 years in ...

Celebrating Labor Day: weekends, holidays, raises, healthcare.

Happy taxes, queer folks! The IRS recognizes same-sex marriages.

Ann on dating, or not dating, coworkers.

A pursuit to dissect waxing culture.

Implications of doctors getting paid more for ...

Beyonce on the cover of Ms. magazine

Weekly Feminist Reader

Bey is on the cover of Ms., giving the feminist blogosphere another month to police her feminism and then yell at itself for this policing.

Read Kiera Wilmot’s story in her own words.

Advertisers can’t ignore the #FBrape campaign.

Prosecuting Ariel Castro for murdering a fetus will endanger pregnant women.

Kanye raps against mass incarceration and private prisons.

How many times does Jerry Lewis have to tell you that ladies just aren’t funny?

The Sun‘s May interview is with Ai-jen Poo.

Reject anti-trans bigotry from Deep Green Resistance.

Students from four more colleges have filed federal complaints against theirs schools for mishandling sexual violence.

Princess Bubblegum rejects a ...

Bey is on the cover of Ms., giving the feminist blogosphere another month to police her feminism and then yell at itself for this policing.

Read Kiera Wilmot’s story in her own words.