Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of Fukushima, the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Last March, a 9.0 earthquake set off a tsunami and an atomic meltdown. Nearly 16,000 people were killed, 6,023 people were injured, 3,282 people are missing and 333,000 are living in temporary accommodations.
Recovery has been impressive but frustrating as the government ignores radiation dangers and other countries, including the United States, fail apply the lessons of the tragedy to their own power plants. Without romanticizing what happened and what continues to happen, I want to highlight some of the creative ways people have responded to the triple disaster.
music: Kazuyoshi Saito’s “They have been telling a lie- they’ve cheated us” is a folksy indictment of ...
Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of Fukushima, the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Last March, a 9.0 earthquake set off a tsunami and an atomic meltdown. Nearly 16,000 people were killed, 6,023 people were ...