Posts Tagged CEO

AIG CEO says bonuses backlash is the same as racist lynching, is the worst

Katie mentioned this in the Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet yesterday, but we thought it deserved its own post. AIG CEO Robert Benmosche was recently interviewed by the Wall Street Journal about controversial bonuses given out by his company.  You know, when AIG gave $165 million in bonuses to members of their financial products division after the government bailed them out because members of their financial products division nearly destroyed the company and contributed to crashing the economy. Benmosche had the perfect analogy for public reaction to the bonuses. From Huffington Post:

He told The Wall Street Journal that the outcry over AIG’s bonuses “was intended to stir public anger, to get everybody out there with ...

Katie mentioned this in the Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet yesterday, but we thought it deserved its own post. AIG CEO Robert Benmosche was recently interviewed by the Wall Street Journal about controversial bonuses ...