Posts Tagged brown girls burlesque

The Feministing Five: Una Aya Osato

Una Aya Osato has been a performer all her life. But she didn’t become a writer until she realized that she had to become one. Unhappy with the limited roles available for women of color and specifically Asian women, Osato decided to write her own shows and own roles. The rest, as they say, is history, and over the last nine years, Una has written, performed and toured internationally with five one-woman-shows. Oh, yeah, and she’s also won awards and received critical acclaim. So there’s that, too!

Una is also a member of the Brown Girls Burlesque troupe, an all women of color burlesque company. And in her latest show, ExHOTic Other, directed by Brown Girl Burlesque founder DawN ...

Una Aya Osato has been a performer all her life. But she didn’t become a writer until she realized that she had to become one. Unhappy with the limited roles available for women of color ...