Posts Tagged Breaking the Taboo

Watch this new documentary on the racist, ineffective war on drugs

Despite recent legalization successes in the Northwest, the U.S. war on drugs is still going strong–and new documentary Breaking the Taboo makes the urgent case for ending the racist, ineffective battle in under an hour.

The film, directed by Cosmo Feilding Mellen and Fernando Grostein Andrade (and gloriously narrated by God Morgan Freeman), traces the history of the drug war through compelling interviews and news clips and follows the recent efforts of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.

The Commission and documentary have brought together some big names–including sitting and former presidents of the U.S., Switzerland, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, and Brazil–to call for the end of the policies that many of them once supported. Even Bill Clinton can recognize ...

Despite recent legalization successes in the Northwest, the U.S. war on drugs is still going strong–and new documentary Breaking the Taboo makes the urgent case for ending the racist, ineffective battle in under an hour.

The film, ...