Posts Tagged black youth

Mississippi clogs school-to-prison pipeline

Mississippi is on to something amazing. In an effort to reform the disciplinary process and stop the school-to-prison pipeline in Meridien County Mississippi, the Justice Department and the Meridien Public school District came to an agreement to cut school expulsions, suspensions, and police intervention for its mostly black students. reports:

“In March, the Justice Department reached agreement with the Meridian Public School District to decrease excessive suspensions and expulsions of mostly young black students for trivial infractions like wearing the wrong colored socks. Kids were lucky if they were only suspended — in many of these cases, schools called the police to arrest the students, as young as 10 years old, and send them to juvenile facilities, ...

Mississippi is on to something amazing. In an effort to reform the disciplinary process and stop the school-to-prison pipeline in Meridien County Mississippi, the Justice Department and the Meridien Public school District came to an agreement to ...