Posts Tagged black history

Photos of the Day: Cute little kids posed as important women from history

This is just what I needed to get going this Monday morning.

In her “Because of Them, We Can” project, photographer Eunique Jones features little kids posed as groundbreaking women throughout history. The project started last year in honor of Black History Month (check out that series too for the cutest little Rosa Parks you ever saw) as Jones was reflecting on being a mother raising Black boys our current culture. She hopes it will “encourage and empower people of all ages and hues to dream out loud and reimagine themselves as greater than they are, simply by connecting the dots between the past, the present and the future.” You can follow the project 

This is just what I needed to get going this Monday morning.

In her “Because of Them, We Can” project, photographer Eunique Jones features little kids posed as groundbreaking women throughout history. The ...

Black nun could be the first African American to reach sainthood

Despite the fact that I renounced Christianity years ago, this story made me slightly proud that my 1-year-old self was doused with holy water (according to my older family, I resisted the rituals of the church back then as well) at a little church in a Chicago suburb called Saint Mary’s.

I say that after reading about the amazing life and work of Mother Mary Lange. For Harriet tells us:

“Lange was born Elizabeth Clarisse Lange circa 1784 in Cuba. In the early 1800’s, Lange moved to Baltimore, Maryland, a safe haven for Catholics, to be with fellow French-Speaking Catholic Refugees. Upon moving to the United States, Lange recognized the need of education among refugee children of color, and on ...

Despite the fact that I renounced Christianity years ago, this story made me slightly proud that my 1-year-old self was doused with holy water (according to my older family, I resisted the rituals of the church back ...