Posts Tagged aziz ansari


Tokenized Genius in the #MeToo Moment

Ta-Nehisi Coates did it again last week. In a practice part prose and part alchemy, he distilled a series of “dragon energy” tweets and a 1980s moonwalk into a complex brew of racial reflection, cultural critique, searing memoir, and political analysis. Reading his “I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye,” I found myself pausing intermittently and turning each sentence over until its layers of meaning and weight came undone. Similar to the way I’d felt reading Between the World and Me and “The First White President.” Every turn of phrase is a reminder of the writer’s genius, of his capacity to find just the right words for a world that resists any form of emotional translation.

Ta-Nehisi Coates did it again last week. In a practice part prose and part alchemy, he distilled a series of “dragon energy” tweets and a 1980s moonwalk into a complex brew of racial reflection, cultural critique, ...


Is There A “Gray Zone” in Consent?

If you’ve ever made a formal complaint of gendered violence, you might have felt that translating raw experience into the language of law is like describing a walk through the forest using only the formal scientific names of the trees.

If you’ve ever made a formal complaint of gendered violence, you might have felt that translating raw experience into the language of law is like describing a walk through the forest using only the formal ...


When it hits too close to home: #MeToo, Ansari, and the difficult question of justice

The more we realize that sexual violence is not a series of isolated, one-off occurrences, separate blips on the radar screen, the more we have to contend with the violence of the everyday.

The more we realize that sexual violence is not a series of isolated, one-off occurrences, separate blips on the radar screen, the more we have to contend with the violence of the everyday.

ansari is gross af

Dear NYT and Atlantic: Do We Really Need A Primer On Enthusiastic Consent in 2018?

After a woman pseudonymously named “Grace” accused comedian Aziz Ansari of sexual assault last week, it took less than 24 hours for the victim blaming to begin: spearheaded, of course, by none other than reactionary, conservative and uncritical voices at the New York Times and the Atlantic

After a woman pseudonymously named “Grace” accused comedian Aziz Ansari of sexual assault last week, it took less than 24 hours for the victim blaming to begin: spearheaded, of course, by none other than reactionary, ...

Weekly Feminist Reader

50 years ago, today.

The stigma of loving transgender women.

“When people say women of color, am I included in that equation?”

Urban Outfitters #fail.

This is exceptionalism we don’t need.

One classroom, two genders.

Hollywood’s “sassy black lady” problem.

What Scandal gets right, and wrong.

9/11 and communities of color.

Aziz Ansari, Boom.

There’s no politician quite like her.

Mister Cee, hip-hop and tolerance.

What people don’t realize is that most of these girls are adolescents.”


New fave Tumblr: Men Taking Up Too Much Space On The Train

Making isn’t frivolous.

On getting called out.

Miss America, what’s the verdict?

Debunking ...

50 years ago, today.

The stigma of loving transgender women.

“When people say women of color, am I included in that equation?”

Urban Outfitters #fail.

This is exceptionalism we don’t need.