Posts Tagged apps

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Like Uber, but for online harassment: Why we should be very afraid of new app Peeple

By now it’s a cliche to make fun of Silicon Valley copycat-ism with the “this app is like Uber, but for x” joke, which has produced some amusing permutations. But it turns out what we needed to be afraid of was “it’s like Yelp, but for people.” 

By now it’s a cliche to make fun of Silicon Valley copycat-ism with the “this app is like Uber, but for x” joke, which has produced some amusing permutations. But ...

Need a safe place to pee? There’s an app for that

Worrying about finding a safe place to use the bathroom should never be an issue in anyone’s life. But for far too many trans and gender non-conforming folks, bathrooms can be potential sites of fear, gender policing, and even violence. The right to bathroom access is important and taken for granted by most people – having to hold it can lead to dangerous health outcomes. Refuge Restrooms is a brand-new app designed to address these issues. Launched last week and already receiving lots of positive attention, the app catalogs restrooms that have been deemed safe to use, and folks can add to and update the list all the time.

Teagan Widmer created and launched ...

Worrying about finding a safe place to use the bathroom should never be an issue in anyone’s life. But for far too many trans and gender non-conforming folks, bathrooms can be potential sites of fear, gender ...

Wednesday Weigh-In: What do you want from an Equal Pay App?

Last week, the Obama Administration launched the Equal Pay App Challenge, inviting software developers to help women ensure that they’re being paid fairly.

I’m excited to see what developers come up with. In my mind, there are so many ways that technology could help women achieve pay equity. The app could publish a list of position levels and careers with average salary figures, for the sake of comparison. Or, it could offer tips for negotiating. What about a women’s “bill of rights” to use should an employer try to deny you your fair share? The possibilities seem pretty endless!

This week’s Wednesday Weigh-In focuses on technology and the pay gap. So weigh in!

How could ...

Last week, the Obama Administration launched the Equal Pay App Challenge, inviting software developers to help women ensure that they’re being paid fairly.

I’m excited to see what developers come up with. In my mind, ...