Posts Tagged Andrew Cuomo


The Paradox of the Celebrity Politician

I like to think that if some Martian stumbled onto Madison Avenue and met Carrie Bradshaw for an anthropological interview, it would have just about the least accurate understanding possible of the New York City lifestyle.

I like to think that if some Martian stumbled onto Madison Avenue and met Carrie Bradshaw for an anthropological interview, it would have just about the least accurate understanding possible of the New York City lifestyle.

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

MoJo’s five female vocalists to watch in 2013.

Amanda Marcotte on a new low for the anti-choice movement.

Happy President’s Day!

Today is also Toni Morrison’s birthday.

Michigan Republicans have introduced a bill to require mandatory transvaginal ultrasounds (a.k.a. state-enforced rape) before abortions.

Beautiful photos of female workers during WWII.

The privilege of the unkempt… for men only, of course.

State funding cuts have forced Planned Parenthood Wisconsin to shut down four clinics.

Danica Patrick wins the pole position for the Daytona 500. (In other news, Alexandra Brodsky learns what the pole position is.)

Bitch on Beyonce’s new documentary.

Proposals for the NWSA’s fall conference are due on Wednesday!

Flyover Feminism interviewed

MoJo’s five female vocalists to watch in 2013.

Amanda Marcotte on a new low for the anti-choice movement.

Happy President’s Day!

Today is also Toni Morrison’s birthday.

Michigan Republicans have introduced a bill to require ...