Posts Tagged ads

Dismantling the Dementor Theory of Rape

‘Tis the season for awful “rape prevention” ads. Earlier this week Jezebel posted an article about terrible police anti-violence campaigns, which tend to spring up around the holiday season every year. This one, in particular, caught my eye:

Many of the problems here are so obvious they’re not really worth discussing: alcohol doesn’t cause assault, most survivors knew their assailant, not only women are raped, and thanks to Emily Yoffe we’ve had enough dissection of victim-blaming to last us a few more months. But what bothered me most, and often goes overlooked, is the insistence that “Rape stays with you for life.”

It’s true that we can’t undo past violence, just as we can’t reach back into ...

‘Tis the season for awful “rape prevention” ads. Earlier this week Jezebel posted an article about terrible police anti-violence campaigns, which tend to spring up around the holiday season every year. This one, in particular, ...

Trans men have babies too

Did you catch those “provocative” teen pregnancy ads that were launched recently in Chicago?

Well, the Media Literacy Project has come up with a simple, effective counter-ad pointing out that some men do get pregnant–and while rarer it is not exactly “unexpected.”

Nothing like reality to throw a hiccup into a campaign that relies on shock value. And I love the line, “All families, whether born or chosen, thrive on love, not shame.” That’s a reminder that’s applicable in basically a bazillion situations.

Via Colorlines.

Did you catch those “provocative” teen pregnancy ads that were launched recently in Chicago?

Well, the Media Literacy Project has come up with a simple, effective counter-ad pointing out that some men do get pregnant–and ...

Amazing Cheerio’s ad parody features interracial queer couple, says fuck the haters

A queer Cheerio’s ad parody is like a blogger’s dream, if for the puns alone. I am therefore happy to call for three “queers” at the emergence of this gem, posted yesterday by Kenji America:

The video closely follows the script of the original Cheerio’s ad, which you may remember pissed off a lot of people for featuring an interracial family, because racism. In fact, the ad drew such vitriol online  that Cheerio’s had to switch off its YouTube comments section in order to maintain a “family friendly” space. Again, this is a commercial in which literally nothing happens except that an adorable little girl asks her (presumed) mother if it’s true that Cheerio’s is good for your heart and upon ...

A queer Cheerio’s ad parody is like a blogger’s dream, if for the puns alone. I am therefore happy to call for three “queers” at the emergence of this gem, posted yesterday by Kenji America:

The video closely ...