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Lars and the Real Girl

Spoiler Alert
Watch this movie. This film was incredibly awkward, funny at times, and heart-warming to the point of tears. I watched it last night with three of my girlfriends, two of which cried when the real doll died. The story of Lars is simplistic yet fantastical. He lives in the garage next to his brother and his wife who live in the house. Lars has a delusional disorder and throughout the process of the movie, he becomes closer to a whole human and slowly allows other people to touch him, something he describes as burning. Although Lars has a condition that hinders his development, he is like many men across the world today. Many men are going online to buy these anatomically correct Real Dolls that function as girlfriends and sex toys. In the movie, the doll, Bianca, is religious and stays in the house with his brother rather than with Lars, so that aspect of the doll is removed for the most part. Lars created Bianca on the internet and then proceeded to give her a history, personality, and friends. The small town came together to help Lars through this apparent transitional period and accepted Bianca as a new member of the town and the church. Their efforts paid off as well as the incredible patience and persistence of one of Lars’ coworkers.
The film was absolutely amazing and I would recommend it to anyone. I would also recommend But I’m ...

Democratic Oil Legislation Denied

As I’m sure many of you are aware, there is a sincere debate going on in Congress about offshore oil drilling. The New York Times reports today that the House republicans have blocked the democratic efforts on oil leases and drilling. Rather than allowing offshore drilling or drilling in domestic areas, democrats attempted to pressure energy companies into drilling for oil on lands they already leased from the federal government. This logical initiative fell short of the margin needed. Opponents argued that the legislation, “which also called on the Interior Department to accelerate leasing in an area of Alaska specifically set aside for drilling, could diminish domestic exploration since it would bar oil companies from obtaining new leases if ...

As I’m sure many of you are aware, there is a sincere debate going on in Congress about offshore oil drilling. The New York Times reports today that the House republicans have blocked the democratic efforts ...

McCain on Gay Adoption

John McCain’s campaign managers are putting out fires everywhere. It seems that whenever McCain lets his true colors show and state his own personal opinion, he needs to ‘clarify his statements’ or his managers need to cover his tracks behind him. People get upset whenever McCain states his opinion; perhaps its because people don’t like his opinions. In an interview with the New York Times, McCain said that “he opposed allowign same-sex couples to adopt children. ‘I think that we’ve proven that both parents are important in the success of a family so, no, I don’t believe in gay adoption,’ he said.” First of all, you don’t ‘believe’ in gay adoption. You either support it or you don’t. He ...

John McCain’s campaign managers are putting out fires everywhere. It seems that whenever McCain lets his true colors show and state his own personal opinion, he needs to ‘clarify his statements’ or his managers need to ...

Why Did Radical Feminism Fail?

One of my recent projects is doing research on why radical feminism from 1967-1975 disintegrated. I know there are some who may disagree and argue that radical feminism held on and morphed into current feminism; however, I counter that around the early 1970’s, women became turned on to the issues radical feminists were addressing but didn’t want to give up their elevated status in society (or their husbands’). Unfortunately for those radical groups who altered the way we view revolutionary feminist practice and theory like Redstockings, WITCH, New York Radical Feminists, The Feminists, and Cell 16, focus shifted from radical politics and universal sisterhood to a split between ‘male’ new left groups and cultural (reformist) feminist groups like NOW.
I ...

One of my recent projects is doing research on why radical feminism from 1967-1975 disintegrated. I know there are some who may disagree and argue that radical feminism held on and morphed into current feminism; however, I ...

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ – Women Affected More

I’m sure that all of you are aware of the faulty ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy that our military follows. According to a recent New York Times article, the number of women discharged due to this policy has risen drastically over the last year. Although women only make up 14% of the army, they made up 46% of discharged individuals. This percentage rose from 35% in 2006. As of yet, the Pentagon has offered no reason (or solution) for why the percentage of women has risen so much over the last year. The Pentagon also refuses to comment on the policy itself, stating that it is Congress’ duty to alter or keep the faltering policy.


Read the rest of ...

I’m sure that all of you are aware of the faulty ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy that our military follows. According to a recent New York Times article, the number of women discharged due to ...


A little poem to start the blog out right…
i know i am not wise
yet somehow i seem to have
fooled everyone to think so
i know i am not pretty
of this i am quite certain
don’t be fooled, however, for
i know that hidden beneath
this mediocre exterior is
beauty of great depth
if you wish to truly see it
look no further than my eyes
it is there that i keep my secrets
with all my hopes and dreams
there is something to be said
for those who can see
what it appears i cannot
but that doesn’t mean
that i will believe you
or that i will even accept it
don’t you worry, though

A little poem to start the blog out right…
i know i am not wise
yet somehow i seem to have
fooled everyone to think so
i know i am not pretty
of this i am ...