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Black Women are Bitchy

I’m a college student and I’m currently taking a class that basically consists of learning about other cultures and discussing ideas we hold about these cultures.
My teacher asked several people the following questions last class:
1) Who are better drivers, men or women?
2) Who is bitchier, black women or white women?
3) Who is smarter, men or women?
Every single man asked said men were better drivers. Of the women asked, about half laughed and also said men were better drivers. The only woman who was unapologetically vocal about being a good female driver was a lesbian. One man claimed women just don’t have the attention span to drive and that they’re always doing their make-up or texting. When even the teacher claimed men were better drivers, I asked her why it is then that young men have the priciest insurance? She said it was because they’re very aggressive on the road (that doesn’t sound like good driving to me).
When asked who was bitchier of black and white women, I was the only person who argued against black women being bitchier (even the teacher said black women were bitchier). One white woman said “Black women ARE bitchier! I know, I wait on them all day.” Later someone said, “I think it’s just women in general.”
When asked who was more intelligent, every single man said men were, all but one woman said women were.
I just don’t get it. Why ...

Teacher sez: Get Your Pap Smears, Ladies!

I started my new biology class yesterday and thus far I’m on the fence about my instructor.
I liked him pretty well at first, he seemed nice and approachable. Then he got started on the lecture and said a couple things that really irked me.
We started talking about what constitutes life and that led to a discussion of viruses. He asked us to name a few common ones. HIV, Rhinovirus, Influenza…and then someone brought up HPV.
Instructor launches into a whole thing about how HPV can lead to cervical cancer and 60-80% of women under 25 are infected with it and men are unaffected by it, so,
“Get tested and get your pap smears, ladies!”

I started my new biology class yesterday and thus far I’m on the fence about my instructor.
I liked him pretty well at first, he seemed nice and approachable. Then he got started on the lecture and ...

Why do I feel ridiculous for feeling violated?

Hi, it’s me again .

This is the one place (other than my mother and sister anyway) that I know I can go where you’ll completely understand what I’m talking about. You’re not going to tell me I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill or that ‘boys will be boys’ or that I shouldn’t have been drinking. The majority of the crowd here on Feministing is truly awesome.

They other night I knocked back about 14 shots with my friend Shelly* and her boyfriend *. As I was still on my feet and fairly coherent, I think it’s obvious I have a high tolerance for alcohol despite the fact that I have only actually drank a handful of times.

Hi, it’s me again .

This is the one place (other than my mother and sister anyway) that I know I can go where you’ll completely understand what I’m talking about. You’re not going to tell me ...

Why Do They Think This is Okay?

Hi, FeministingCommunity.

I’m posting today because I feel like society is kind of fucked. I feel like a lot of men feel very entitled when it comes to trying to get laid. I’m not talking about all men (not that I really have to tell you that, ya’ll know what I mean), but it seems like a lot of guys just do not give a shit if they make you uncomfortable or scare you when it comes to trying to get you into bed. It’s like they think they have a God given right to proposition you.

I’m quite a night owl and usually go to the grocery store at night. I’m not afraid to because I don’t live in a terrible ...

Hi, FeministingCommunity.

I’m posting today because I feel like society is kind of fucked. I feel like a lot of men feel very entitled when it comes to trying to get laid. I’m not talking about all men ...