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File under: “horrendous act of violence by young man”

A male student stabbed a female student at UCLA (my school, the building across from mine) today. He stabbed her in her THROAT. (WTF to the power of infinity). I remember hearing about a woman getting shot by a man at UC-Irvine a while back, and another instance of a man cutting a woman’s throat on another school campus.

This is violence against a woman perpetrated by a young man. As feminists have repeatedly emphasized, we need a modification in the definition of masculinity in our cultures, a redefinition that excludes violence as a positive masculine trait.

This video of Jackson Katz is always good to see at moments like this.

ps. I don’t know why in the news excerpt at UCLA’s website there is no indication of the victim’s gender. Is that positive, negative, or neutral?

Voices for Iran

Call upon the international community to support human rights in Iran [remember this includes women’s rights] and reject the policies of military aggression and economic starvation. Say no to torture, killings, and rape. Say yes to freedom of speech and assembly. End the show trials. Free all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, and hold the real criminals accountable. Remember Neda and Sohrab, and all the victims of state violence. Oppose war and economic sanctions.


Tue. 22 September 6:30pm “Iran Alive”
47th St. & 2nd Ave.

Art installation and performance dedicated to the people of Iran. A short film projected on a 300-person human screen with audio featuring recorded messages from Iranians ...

Call upon the international community to support human rights in Iran [remember this includes women’s rights] and reject the policies of military aggression and economic starvation. Say no to torture, killings, and rape. Say yes to freedom ...

Global Day of Action for Iran

July 25th is the global day of action for Iran, there are events in over 60 cities around the world to stand in solidarity with the Iranian people. You can participate and show your support. Here is a link with more info:


also, there is a 3-day hunger strike in front of the UN on July 22, 23, and 24. Several Iranian scholars including my own favorite Professor Nayereh Tohidi , chair of the women’s studies department at Calstate Northridge will be participating. Drop by and show support if you can. Many prominent non-Iranians also expressed support. Here is a link on their blog, which includes a message of support by Sean Penn:

July 25th is the global day of action for Iran, there are events in over 60 cities around the world to stand in solidarity with the Iranian people. You can participate and show your support. Here is ...

Iranian Women Continue Nonviolent Resistance

Here is an update on some things specifically being done by women organizing in nonviolent ways in iran.

As more people were arrested, injured, or killed in the past weeks, large protests are being replaced with other forms of resistance. Still every day there are protests across Tehran and in some other cities, but they are smaller and more scattered. Women and men shout every single night on the rooftops of Tehran. People are talking about strikes, boycotts, writing on walls with green paint, and holding remembrance gatherings for those who were killed. Families are sitting outside Evin prison asking for their loved ones to be released.

Apart from their visible presence in protests and having their names among the ...

Here is an update on some things specifically being done by women organizing in nonviolent ways in iran.

As more people were arrested, injured, or killed in the past weeks, large protests are being replaced with other forms ...

My heart hurts for my people

Iran is a beautiful country and I couldn’t be more proud of my people. Writing this post is bringing tears to my eyes. For the past few days I saw video after video of my brothers and sisters slaughtered in the streets. More than anything I saw the courage of my friends insisting on peacefully demanding justice in the face of violence. And I learned to be brave for them.

Iranians went out to protest when they knew they might die. This is not a stupid frivolous act. This is a very concious decision. The young woman who writes in her blog that she will listen to all her favorite music today because she doesn’t know whether she will be ...

Iran is a beautiful country and I couldn’t be more proud of my people. Writing this post is bringing tears to my eyes. For the past few days I saw video after video of my brothers and ...

Dear Media- #IranElection

I have posted here before and Jessica also recently posted on the main page about what’s happening in Iran. Here is a short essay which I recently posted in open-democracy and I wanted to share with you as well:

These past days have been a nightmare. I and my fellow Iranians have been watching the small amount of democracy present in Iran erased within a day. Everything we hear from Iran is heartbreaking but more than anything, I have been anxiously watching the international media. Although some reports are accurate, many huge mainstream media sources still frame the events in a way that really feels as if they are twisting the knife in our wounds.

What media does in ...

I have posted here before and Jessica also recently posted on the main page about what’s happening in Iran. Here is a short essay which I recently posted in open-democracy and I wanted to share ...

Iran election follow up

Since I blogged earlier about Iranian elections I thought it’s good to give you an update in case you were wondering what has been happening. Well, it has been a nightmare . Unfortunately it seems like there has been a large fraud happening in favor of Ahmadinejad. People who have been disenfranchised are protesting in Tehran and other cities. You can see some photos on flickr.

Text messaging services were cut off on the day of election and ahmadinejad was declared as the victor only a few hours after the election was over. Election statistics were being announce in a very fishy manner with no detail about which cities and provinces were being counted (completely different from how ...

Since I blogged earlier about Iranian elections I thought it’s good to give you an update in case you were wondering what has been happening. Well, it has been a nightmare . Unfortunately it seems ...

Day of solidarity for Iranian women + elections

(several links go to the photo-blog of Arash Ashoorinia for his great photography of Iranian events)

June 12th is the Day of Solidarity for Iranian women’s rights activists. On this day 4 years ago, there was a public gathering of a large and diverse group of Iranian women’s rights activists in front of Tehran university. They demanded equality in the Iranian legal system. On June 12th of the next year, a similar gathering which was planned to take place in Tehran’s 7-Tir square was met with police violence before it even really started and several women’s rights activists were arrested. The One Million Signatures Campaign to Change Discriminatory Laws was born out of this day. For the ...

(several links go to the photo-blog of Arash Ashoorinia for his great photography of Iranian events)

June 12th is the Day of Solidarity for Iranian women’s rights activists. On this day 4 years ago, there was a ...

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