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What three months of “change” looks like

Trigger warning. 

Three months ago I wrote a post about a project that a friend and I have started to end the discrimination against women. To summarize our project again, we are putting a nickel in a jar every time someone in an advertisement, television show, news broadcast, etc undermines, discriminates against, or otherwise alienates women. Specific things that we are looking for are victim blaming (this is especially prevalent in anything related to NBC btw), rape jokes, gender binary bias, and racial discrimination. We are then writing to whoever has done the discrimination telling them that their acts are not okay and that we will be writing them again to tell them just how much money we have raised. We are hoping that it will make them think twice before doing it again. We will be donating that money to the city of joy (a part of the campaign of vday)

So far I have raised $33.25. My friend has raised $42.30. Together we have written over 1,500 letters. When we decided to post about this on various feminist websites we also didn’t expect it to go any further. But it did. Progressive financial websites have picked it up. We have been mocked on something awful and 4chan. (which considering the university that we go to contains many fans of both sites is kind of ironic since our own peers and their rape jokes are the reason that we started this in the first ...

A day in my life

So I’m getting really sick and tired of being told that everything that feminists spout is somehow a political construct that we use to piss off men. So, I’m going to share what a day in my life is like.
7:30- get up, check to make sure that there aren’t creepy guys in my girls only hall bathroom, and take a shower
8:00- call male escort so that I can go eat breakfast
8:15- eat breakfast in cafeteria with male escort so that the creepy stalkers leave me alone
9:15- walk to class with male escort for the same reason above
9:30 take notes in class, while trying to make sure that the random creepy stalker guys are not sitting ...

So I’m getting really sick and tired of being told that everything that feminists spout is somehow a political construct that we use to piss off men. So, I’m going to share what a day in my ...

On the SCUM manifesto

So, I am a bad feminist. I have been a self proclaimed feminist since I was 13 (five years ago) and I have not until yesterday read the SCUM manifesto. Well I read it, and I a terrified. I guess this makes me an even worse feminist. That woman terrifies me. Yes there are days when I scream that men are awful, and yes there are days when there are some that I would like to kill (ahem rush limbaugh anybody?) but for the most part I actually really like men. I think that most of them are great. Once you sit down and explain to them their privilege the majority of them are willing to accept it and help ...

So, I am a bad feminist. I have been a self proclaimed feminist since I was 13 (five years ago) and I have not until yesterday read the SCUM manifesto. Well I read it, and I a ...

6 years later

Trigger Warning

Today is the anniversary of my rape.  6 years ago today my step father decided that I was nothing more than a piece of meat for him to get off on. I fought him off for 4 hours. I still smell him on me. I still can’t drink sweet tea because he was drinking it the entire time he raped me. I still feel dirty. I still have nightmares and flashbacks. I can’t watch many tv shows because they trigger me. I can’t wear anything with spaghetti straps because I was in a spaghetti strap top when it happened. It never gets easier being a rape survivor. I’d just like the pain to go away.

Trigger Warning

Today is the anniversary of my rape.  6 years ago today my step father decided that I was nothing more than a piece of meat for him to get off on. I fought him off for ...

What’s in a name

Today on facebook I was invited by my step sister to join one of the groups to get a pregnant woman to name her child megatron. I posted on my status what a stupid idea this was because of the torture this child was going to go through. This created a debate that evolved into the ideas of last names. So I tried to explain to a bunch of people why it is that I hate my last name. This didn’t go over well. The reason that I hate my own last name is that I feel no connection toward my father and I think that people being branded with the “family name” is a way for the patriarchy to ...

Today on facebook I was invited by my step sister to join one of the groups to get a pregnant woman to name her child megatron. I posted on my status what a stupid idea this was ...

Nickels for Change

Hi all, this is Rebekah and I am blogging with one of my good friends today, Cassie. We are both really interested in what you all have to say about this. We would like to see some change in the world. And that’s why we have started Nickels for Change.

We go to an science and engineering school, chock full of boys who perpetuate rape culture. Rape jokes and euphemisms abound. And no one seems to find a problem with it. Except for us. Going to college has been a real eye-opening experience. Maybe it’s because our high school was mostly liberal or small and secluded, but high school was a nicer place. Rape jokes just didn’t happen. Not so ...

Hi all, this is Rebekah and I am blogging with one of my good friends today, Cassie. We are both really interested in what you all have to say about this. We would like to see some ...

pregnancy symptoms do not always mean you are pregnant

So as I have posted on here before I have the unfortunate luck of having endometrial cancer, or cancer of the lining of one’s uterus. My cancer has unfortunately returned and I am going through my second bout of radiation. Between the cancer and the radiation I often do not feel well. I am often dizzy, nauseous. and exhausted. In order to try and help with the nausea I drink a lot of water and I eat saltines. This makes me need to use the bathroom frequently. I also cannot drink because it interacts with the heart medication that I am on in order to help prevent heart problems as a result of the radiation. All of these things are ...

So as I have posted on here before I have the unfortunate luck of having endometrial cancer, or cancer of the lining of one’s uterus. My cancer has unfortunately returned and I am going through my second ...

Resources for women and gender studies

So, I am taking my first women and gender studies course at my college next semester and while I am really excited to take the course, I am also a little nervous. I have not had the opportunity to read a lot of feminist literature (My local library does not carry most of the books nor does the local bookstore) and I am afraid that I am going to go into the class and look like a fool because I haven’t read most of these books. I also do not know a lot of where to find feminist literature, or many of the titles of good feminist literature if I had. I was given full frontal feminism as a christmas ...

So, I am taking my first women and gender studies course at my college next semester and while I am really excited to take the course, I am also a little nervous. I have not had the ...

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