Rebecca K. Dennis

Rebecca is a Legislative Policy Analyst for PAI. She lobbies the U.S. Congress and Obama Administration on funding and policy around international family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH), including access to these services in emergency and conflict settings, and in situations of gender-based violence. Rebecca holds an undergraduate degree in international relations from Michigan State University and is working on a master’s degree at George Washington University, where she is studying global gender policy and global health policy.

Posts Written by Rebecca

Helms Amendment Abandons Survivors of Sexual Violence in Kenya and Ethiopia

Late last month Ethiopia and Kenya welcomed President Obama, but he isn’t the only person they have hosted. Ethiopia and Kenya each host over half a million refugees, the largest refugee populations on the continent and some of the largest in the world. Many of these individuals have been displaced by the violence and unrest in Somalia or have fled the ongoing conflict in South Sudan.

The use of gender-based violence, including rape and forced marriage, by various armed groups in these situations has been pervasive, with the most atrocious reports grabbing international headlines and drawing condemnation from around the globe. However, survivors need far more than just words, they need access to comprehensive post-rape care, including safe ...

Late last month Ethiopia and Kenya welcomed President Obama, but he isn’t the only person they have hosted. Ethiopia and Kenya each host over half a million refugees, the largest refugee populations on the continent and some ...