Posts Written by Ravi

Dapper Don – Mad Men, Hegemonic Masculinity and the Seductiveness of Donald Draper

Ironically, my first post on the community blog is not a piece of my own writing, but something written by a guest author on my own blog, but since it’s relevant, I figured I would submit it here as well. With the new season of Mad Men beginning tonight, which has me very excited, I invited Professor Robyn Bourgeois from the Gender Studies Department at the University of Toronto to offer a comment on the appeal of Don Draper and what really undercuts his character. Robyn is the perfect person to write about this given her excellent knowledge of the place of gender within culture. Below is the piece in its entirety, but it can also be found on my blog here. Here’s what Robyn has to say:

This one goes out to my friend and partner in crime, Ravi Singh!

As a new season of AMC’s Emmy award winning show, Mad Men, is set to begin, the world is abuzz with all things Mad Men (including, of course, myself – an AVID Mad Men fan and collector of Mad Men era fashion). My friend Ravi recently posted a lovely article explaining the seduction of the show’s leading man, Donald Draper (The article to which Robyn refers can be found here). A suave, powerful, and put together man, the author compared Don to the leading men of by-gone eras (Cary Grant, for example) and our nostalgia for these type of men.

I ...