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College students pull “prank” kidnapping of female student

First an explanation of my source– the excerpt below was pulled from Campus Watch , an email newsletter sent out every weekday by the campus police department at the university at which I work and formerly attended, The University of Texas at Austin.  Campus Watch details the incidents reported to the police department on campus during the previous day– ipods getting stolen, vandalism, things like that.  It is compiled by an officer who works in the department (which you’ll probably be able to tell).  This is pulled from the newsletter sent today, July 14, 2009:

Barbie Gets Inked

This cracks me up on so many levels.  The outrage over it, the little pink butterfly tat in the picture, the fact that the all American plastic girl is getting her first tattoo….

And, it’s totally funny inversion of the typical discourse about what Barbie’s body represents.

This cracks me up on so many levels.  The outrage over it, the little pink butterfly tat in the picture, the fact that the all American plastic girl is getting her first tattoo….

And, it’s totally funny ...

Playmate Birthday Cakes for Tweens and Teens

Playmate cakes for 12 and 16 year old girls?  I think the blogger’s tongue-in-cheek monologue sums up my feelings nicely.  Via Cakewrecks(dot)blogspot(dot)com, one of my truly favorite humor blogs.

Playmate cakes for 12 and 16 year old girls?  I think the blogger’s tongue-in-cheek monologue sums up my feelings nicely.  Via Cakewrecks(dot)blogspot(dot)com, one of my truly favorite humor blogs.

Fantastic Sex-Ed Website

I just came across this site, Scarleteen (dot) com, via Alternet and I think it’s just amazing.  It’s the most inclusive, rational and compassionate sex-ed source that I’ve ever come across, and I feel like more people should know about it so they have some counter to all of the junk like Loveline out there that not only reinforce unhealthy attitudes  but often also spread inaccurate information and are dismissive of people’s concerns.  I wish I’d read this as a teenager, maybe it wouldn’t have taken me so long to figure out some of this stuff!

Anyhow, this may have already come to your attention but it’s a great site, everyone of any age should take a looksie.  They need ...

I just came across this site, Scarleteen (dot) com, via Alternet and I think it’s just amazing.  It’s the most inclusive, rational and compassionate sex-ed source that I’ve ever come across, and I feel like more ...

No-one Wants to Play with Fat Barbie

What follows is a lesson in how not to encourage children to stay fit.  Because you are only filling their brain with other dangerous rot about weight, race and beauty by doing it this way.  Via AdFreak (who charmingly takes a swipe at Jessica Simpson at the end for good measure).

What follows is a lesson in how not to encourage children to stay fit.  Because you are only filling their brain with other dangerous rot about weight, race and beauty by doing it this way.  Via ...

Women Finds No Comfort in Meaningless Sex, All Men Douchebags

This Salon article is so interwoven with stereotypes is seems less like a personal memoir and more like bad chick lit fiction.

All single men are gay, the ones who aren’t want younger women, married couples don’t have sex, she wants meaningful sex and to change the men she’s with, she likes cats and despises football and appreciates having the toilet seat down.  And, also, my least favorite part: "I adore men — they are so different from women — and I’m intrigued by the way they think."

There are a whole range of men out there, just like there are a whole of women out there.  While you can always point to a beer guzzling Neanderthal and a primadonna to ...

This Salon article is so interwoven with stereotypes is seems less like a personal memoir and more like bad chick lit fiction.

All single men are gay, the ones who aren’t want younger women, married couples don’t ...

LA Police: Always Classy

After being stripped of their rights by a popular vote (isn’t there something in our Constitution about majority rule with protection of minority rights? Perhaps I am simply delusional.), demonstrators against the passage of Proposition 8 in California are attacked by LA police.  I wish BBC had more context for this video, perhaps someone who is better at internet investigating can find a more fleshed out story:

These images are all too disturbingly familiar.

After being stripped of their rights by a popular vote (isn’t there something in our Constitution about majority rule with protection of minority rights? Perhaps I am simply delusional.), demonstrators against the passage of Proposition 8 in ...

Feminist Bridal Shower?

The first of my close friends is getting married soon, and I have found myself helping plan the bridal shower.  I’ve attended perhaps one shower before, and don’t recall much of that, so I have been perusing the interwebs for bridal shower games.  The pickings are… um, questionable at best.  List 10 things that one might find in a purse, the woman with the most things in her purse wins!  Put cookie ingredients on a table without a recipe, see if your bride-to-be has the mad kitchen skills to put together a decent cookie!  They go from mundanely insulting in a Betty Crocker-esque fashion to things like the following game from, which is wrong on so many levels I ...

The first of my close friends is getting married soon, and I have found myself helping plan the bridal shower.  I’ve attended perhaps one shower before, and don’t recall much of that, so I have been perusing ...