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Sex Change

I’m done.  This world has gotten to me.  As a women and being a feminist all of my life I have come to the conclusion that there is too much work that lies ahead for women.  I’ve been silenced.  I’ve been unseen.  I’ve been disempowered.  I’ve been discriminiated against because of my race, class, gender, sexual orientation and martial status.  I am weary of the workload that lies ahead for all issues affecting women that need fixing and healing.  I battled self hate, anger, deep depression, suicidal thoughts and abuse towards myself for so many years.  I’ve dealt with an eating disorder for 6 years.  I’ve got all this education, been searching for jobs but I am not finding one.  Ther is so much more to say but I know that being a women is not an easy task.

I’m done.  I want a sex change.  I don’t want to experience discrimination anymore.  I want to be heard.  I want to be seen.  I want to feel empowered.  I want to know what it would of been like to live without an eating disorder for 6 years.  I want to know what my life would be like if I were a man.  If my breasts didn’t ache and hurt when I am on my period.  If I didn’t get cramps or become irritable before my period.  If society didn’t have preconcieved notions about reproduction, marriage and family and the fact that I don’t believe ...

Dear Privileged Private School In the Great White North

This letter is a to a private school in which I interviewed for a job that I did not get. I have had enough with the shoot to kill privileged elite folks in this world. So here is my letter to them. In the letter you will notice that there is no mention of the school, cities or anything like that. Because for me, this is just venting. As a feminist I have interviewed for over 80 jobs since finishing graduate school. I have made nothing beyond poverty level wages. I am very tired of looking for jobs and interviewing for them. I have been discriminated many times in a job ...

This letter is a to a private school in which I interviewed for a job that I did not get. I have had enough with the shoot to kill privileged elite folks in this world. ...

Dear Feminist Consciousness Changer, Take Care of You!

Dear Feminist Consciousness Changer,

I am writing to you today because as I help you I am helping myself.  You are a consciousness changer.  You are a rebel with a cause.  You are a world lover who cares for women, men, children, families, single folk, tribes, communities, cities, towns, villages, counties, states, provinces, nations and countries all over the world.  As a feminist consciousness changer you must understand that you do much more than help women.  As a feminist you empower women to empower themselves and these women empower everyone they come in contact with in their daily lives. Feminism is also not just about feminism.  You as a feminist consciousness changer are involved in changing consciousness in other areas such ...

Dear Feminist Consciousness Changer,

I am writing to you today because as I help you I am helping myself.  You are a consciousness changer.  You are a rebel with a cause.  You are a world lover who cares ...

Master Educated Welfare Recipient

Yes, that could be me.  If I didn’t have parents to lean on is these so called "tough" economic times I would have to go the welfare office and do the whole dehumanizing process of applying for welfare, food stamps and whatever else I need.  On some website I read that good people have bad things happen to them too. 

Now I sit hear in my childhood room at age 26 (almost 27) and wonder where the heck my life is going.  On my desk is a book about nonprofit information as I am supposed to be gathering information on starting a nonprofit.  Although I feel completely unmotivated.  I have some flyers on powwow’s in my state.  I also have ...

Yes, that could be me.  If I didn’t have parents to lean on is these so called "tough" economic times I would have to go the welfare office and do the whole dehumanizing process of applying for ...

You Would Be Happy With A Child

A few years ago I was really into having children.  A few years later this all changed after my experience with men in the world.  In a matter of two years I experienced an attempted rape, sexual harrasment and a slew of disrespecting and degrading men in various intimate relationships.  In this time not only was my heart broken but my body and spirit were violated.  Also in this time I dealt with an eating disorder, having to move back in with my parents after graduate school, financially broke and spiritually rebuilding my life.  This was not an easy time.  This was two years ago.

A few years ago I was really into having children.  A few years later this all changed after my experience with men in the world.  In a matter of two years I experienced an attempted rape, sexual ...