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Hillary Clinton: Why She is Uniquely Qualified as Secretary of State

By: Jennifer Donahue

Its been a long road for Senator Hillary Clinton. The road has led to her consideration as Secretary of State in a world full of uncertainties. Article after article, pundit after pundit describe why she is not the right choice (see Politico today, NYT, Huffington Post, the cable nets and many other sources.) In the aftermath of the campaign, people have forgotten that Hillary Clinton is more than who she was as a presidential candidate. I realized I was guilty of this too. The most significant thing I had to remember after all that has happened is who Hillary Clinton is to the rest of the world. To the rest of the world, Hillary Clinton is the truest ...

By: Jennifer Donahue

Its been a long road for Senator Hillary Clinton. The road has led to her consideration as Secretary of State in a world full of uncertainties. Article after article, pundit after pundit describe why she ...

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich: Committed Feminist AND Mormon

The unfortunate sucess of Proposition 8 in California leading to the denial of marriage rights for homosexual couples in California has put the Mormon church in the spotlight. With the fervent support/spmorships of Prop 8 from many bigoted Mormons, it would seem on the surface that Mormonism and feminism are completely incompatible—what with the Church of LDS history of being sexist, racist, and most recently—highly homophobic.

Fellow Feministing community member, ohmissjulie, recently blogged about being “Mormon, Feminist, and Kind of Afraid.” I think it is important to point out to her that she is most definitely not alone as a Mormon feminist. Pulitzer Prize winning Harvard University History Professor Laurel Thatcher Ulrich– the woman who coined the phrase (that ...

The unfortunate sucess of Proposition 8 in California leading to the denial of marriage rights for homosexual couples in California has put the Mormon church in the spotlight. With the fervent support/spmorships of Prop 8 from many ...