Posts Written by Kayla


Sexism in Harry Potter: An Analysis of an Unpopular Idea


Initially my inner Potter nerd shuddered at the thought that the Harry Potter series might actually be flawed in some way. However, I still powered through my investigation, trying to take the most unbiased approach to an extremely biased question. I sent myself out on a quest to research the plot and characters of this world-famous industry, in order answer the simple question: is the Harry Potter series sexist?


Does Sex Sell?

As a current Business Marketing student and longtime feminist, it can be aggravating at times to watch the portrayal of sex and gender roles in mainstream media. From what I am taught, sex is a foolproof way to market your product. But I am tired of the simple-minded gimmicks advertisers use, because in reality the depiction of sex in advertising harmfully represents women more than men.

As a current Business Marketing student and longtime feminist, it can be aggravating at times to watch the portrayal of sex and gender roles in mainstream media. From what I am taught, sex is a foolproof way ...