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Capitalism wants you to hate your body

We are not born hating our bodies; it is taught to us as we grow up.

Capitalism encourages this because our self-loathing is both profitable and vulnerable.  The beauty “ideals” of whiteness, thinness, smooth skin, etc. are purposefully unattainable, as they then leave us in a constant state of “imperfection.” However, we would not think that our belly fat and cellulite were problematic if it were not for the the dominant ideology that shapes our understandings of our bodies. Through media campaigns, advertisements, shopping trips, and more, we are reminded that we need to modify our natural selves if we want to be attractive and accepted by society. The processes which we are encouraged to engage in often involve some level of consumerism, ranging from the purchasing of razors & shaving cream to plastic surgery. All of this requires spending money which goes right back into the hands of the individuals that made us dislike and/or hate ourselves in the first place.

The commodification of the body and beauty depends upon our wallets, which is why businesses spend so much time advertising to consumers. Our insecurities grow as we watch commercial after commercial with the same message: you are not good enough; you need to buy this product to make you a better person.  The more we recognize this, the more likely we are to stop buying into these ideas. The less we buy, the less we spend, and the less these corporations make.

Our bodies need ...

Cissexism In Pro-Choice vs. Anti-Choice Communities

[Originally written for my personal blog]

This piece is a work in progress. In fact, I am currently editing it from my phone while I wait to board my plane at the airport. I am really open to hearing what other people have to say, receiving feedback, and having conversations about the points I make in this piece.

I would also like to note that there is great diversity within both anti-choice and pro-choice communities. The points I make below are based on my own personal experiences with feminists of my generation and those in the anti-choice community that I know personally and those I have interacted with online and at abortion clinics in the past. The main thing I want ...

[Originally written for my personal blog]

This piece is a work in progress. In fact, I am currently editing it from my phone while I wait to board my plane at the airport. I am really open ...