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You’ve just insulted a sixteen year old girl. That is so cool.

Again, a bit of a rant. It’s my recent personal experience with some truly bigoted people on the internet .

I recently posted a vlog on youtube . I’ll be the first to admit it was a stupid thing to do. Not only was it not very well thought out, but it was twenty minutes long.

I deleted it the day after I posted it.

But there is a bit more to the story than that.

I originally did the thing to post on facebook . I had seen a lot of people who seemed perfectly nice do disgusting things on the site. One of the main ones was a "piece of flair" that went around my high school. I deleted it as soon as I got it, but perhaps I should of saved it to. I can only say it was similar to this:


The main difference is it also showed two same sex couples, which were labeled "perversion".

Yuck, right? It was also sent to my out male friend, by a girl who we both knew. She had always seemed nice and polite. I found it shocking that she could turn into such a bigot.

I’ve also gotten sick and tired being blasted by people I consider my friends for considering myself a feminist. Not to mention all sorts of little things I see every day in the high school environment .

So I ranted to a webcam for twenty ...

Silence is deadly

This is a bit of rant, but I’m hoping to open it up the discussion of tactics used to silence minorities.

I really did not luck out when it comes to discrimination. I’m oppressed as a bisexual, as a woman, as a person who struggles with mental health, as a Jew, as a teenager. It could be a lot worse, I know. But it’s not fun to live your life in fear of discrimination everyday.

I’ve never really got why people want to silence those who simply want equality. I’ve never gotten why it’s so scary that people of color, or woman, or anyone wants to be treated equally. I was raised by leftist radicals, and I guess it never ...

This is a bit of rant, but I’m hoping to open it up the discussion of tactics used to silence minorities.

I really did not luck out when it comes to discrimination. I’m oppressed as a bisexual, ...