Posts Written by quarrelicious

Billy No Good Apologizes for Sexual Violence. Clandestine Unicorn Attack Communique #2

Inspired by the idea of creating the world we hope to live in, the Bay Area-based survivor self-determination group, QUARREL, has begun to pursue a public information sharing campaign concerning the chronic abusive behavior of anarchist organizer Billy No Good.

Billy No Good has a history of engaging in emotional and sexual violence, particularly with young women of color in the movement. Since 2005, he has admitted to crossing the sexual and emotional boundaries of others. To hide his behavior, he often moves in and out of social circles, usually when evidence of his abuse becomes insurmountable.

Each time Billy’s abuse or assault on another community member is made public, feminists strive to make him accountable. He initially agrees that he has a problem and promises to change. He agrees to survivor’s demands only to manipulate the processes they have developed, effectively draining the social resources put in place for the sole purpose of addressing his behavior. This past June of 2011, it became public that Billy assaulted yet another woman.