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Students Stage Demonstration at Colby College

I don’t have time to write much about it, but this article was front page in my local newspaper.

A selection from the article:

WATERVILLE — Hundreds of Colby College students staged a sit-in Tuesday to protest what they said was excessive force used by law enforcement officers in arresting three students on Easter morning.

The crowd gathered in front of Miller Library at noon, with many wearing red clothing to signify blood shed by at least one of those arrested. Students carried signs that said “Would this Happen to a White Student?” and “Define Student Rights,” among others.


he said Ramirez has been painted in news reports as a belligerent drunk, but that is not the case. He is a senior who has worked hard with college administrators to bring prospective students to campus, and he plans to graduate next month and pursue a teaching career but could have a hard time getting a job with an arrest record.

“He’s just not that person people are making him out to be,” she said.

There’s clearly more to this story than what either side is saying. In the story it says the students were arrested for trying to prevent volunteer medical personnel  from helping an unconcious student, but nothing is really said about that aside from that the student was “fine” after the incident. 

I really don’t know if this is a ...

My Tentative Review of the DivaCup

About two months (cycles) ago my boyfriend alerted me to a special deal at I can’t remember the exact price I paid, but I knew it was much less expensive than getting one at a B&M store. I quickly placed an order.

My DivaCup came within a couple weeks, just as my period was coming to an end. I was able to try it out once, but didn’t have enough time to really become aquianted with it.

The first thing I noticed about it when taking it out of the package was the size. I ordered the Model 1 – for women under 30 who have not carried a child. This is the smaller model, yet I was still surprised at ...

About two months (cycles) ago my boyfriend alerted me to a special deal at I can’t remember the exact price I paid, but I knew it was much less expensive than getting one at a B&M ...

Topless Cafe in Maine

It seems a Maine businessman has decided to open a topless cafe in Vassalboro, a small town just north of the capital, Augusta. Despite the widespread disapproval of the proposed shop, the town said there’s nothing it can do about it.

Let me be clear about what is being planned here: The cafe would serve coffee and bakery items and customers will be waited on by topless waitresses. There is certainly no advantage to waiting tables topless (in fact I can imagine spills of hot coffee would in fact be more dangerous), so I’m assuming the only purpose of this is for the pleasure of the customers.


It’s unfortunate, too, because Vasalboro is a place (like many in the US right ...

It seems a Maine businessman has decided to open a topless cafe in Vassalboro, a small town just north of the capital, Augusta. Despite the widespread disapproval of the proposed shop, the town said there’s nothing ...

Technological Glitch or Not-so-Subtle Hint?

I was just looking through Facebook and went to "thumbs-down" an ad (about a celebrity diet) and instead of it bringing up the menu where you get to chose why you didn’t like the ad, it just took me back to my home page.

Is this just a glitch, or is Facebook trying to tell me it wishes I would just stop complaining about ads I find offensive and just let them drag down my body image already?

Oh, and I always, ALWAYS mark "offensive" for the weight loss ads that I see all over my male friends profiles.

I was just looking through Facebook and went to "thumbs-down" an ad (about a celebrity diet) and instead of it bringing up the menu where you get to chose why you didn’t like the ad, it just ...

Unwanted Advice

I’d like to share a story with you, and at the end, I’d like your opinion on how you would have handled the situation, or how you handle similar situations. Here goes:

My boyfriend and I went down to Memphis to visit my sister and her husband for a week. One day we went to the zoo and had a wonderful time seeing all the neat animals and learning fun facts and such. I also learned that I might have CANCER.

While admiring the giraffes, my boyfriend whispered to me that a man was staring at me and talking to his wife. I disregarded this until I felt a hand on my shoulder, pointing to a small mole on the back of ...

I’d like to share a story with you, and at the end, I’d like your opinion on how you would have handled the situation, or how you handle similar situations. Here goes:

My boyfriend and I went down ...

The Pill and I go Way Back

This letter was originally written May 29 to Elaine Tyler May who was writing a book about the development of the birth control pill. I figured I’d repost it since I have yet to contribute anything to the community here at Feministing. Enjoy!

My relationship with the birth control pill started when I was 18 and in high school. I had just started dating my first serious boyfriend and, seeing where the relationship was clearly headed, my mother took me to the doctor’s office to talk about contraception. The chart in my health class textbook said that the pill was 99.9% effective at preventing pregnancy* (*when taken correctly) and since I was in a monogamous relationship with a guy ...

This letter was originally written May 29 to Elaine Tyler May who was writing a book about the development of the birth control pill. I figured I’d repost it since I have yet to contribute anything to ...