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No Pain, No Gain

A lot of things leave me speechless in this world, most pertaining to women and women’s rights.

No surprise there.

I was surprised, however, to find that according to a midwife, pain during childbirth is a GREAT thing. In fact, Dr. Denis Walsh takes on a ‘no pain, no gain’ attitude.

Let me clarify.

According to him, epidurals are the big bad wolf — not for a decent reason, but because the pain of childbirth prepares women for the responsibilities of motherhood.

"A large number of women want to avoid pain, but more should be prepared to withstand it," Walsh said.

"Pain in labour is a purposeful, useful thing which has a number of benefits, such as preparing a mother for the responsibility of nurturing a newborn baby."

Yeah. Right.

He also stated that "e]merging evidence [shows] that normal labor and birth primes the bonding areas of a mother’s brain better than caesarean or pain-free birth.”

I’d have thought the nine months of being in the womb would’ve done the bonding trick, but hey. What do I know? I’m just a woman with a simple lady brain.

Sarcasm aside, I think this dude, while maybe (emphasis on ‘maybe’) meaning well, is a little touched in his gentleman brain. I mean, he’s completely underestimating the pain of labor. Not only that, but there are so many things that can go wrong during childbirth –billions of women have died throughout history from giving birth, after all, and too many still encounter life threatening problems. I ...

Women in Combat Arms

A recent comment to a post about the new Transformers movie got me thinking (always a dangerous thing, when a woman thinks) about women in the military.

Almost all the combat arms in the US military bar female applicants, right?


I realize that physically men are like 30% bigger and stronger, on average, and I know that personally I couldn’t be in ANY part of the military due to the fact that I’d never survive basic training, but there ARE women out there who could do the job. No matter how small the numbers might be, does that mean we should prevent them completely? If the requirement is to lift X amount of weight and go X amount of miles and shoot ...

A recent comment to a post about the new Transformers movie got me thinking (always a dangerous thing, when a woman thinks) about women in the military.

Almost all the combat arms in the US military bar female ...

Friday Feminist Fuck You: Chaz Bono Haters

"Of course, rational people realize that changing one’s name, cross-dressing, ingesting hormones naturally produced by the opposite sex, and electively amputating healthy parts of one’s sexual anatomy don’t really change one’s biological sex. The emperor was really wearing no clothes, and Chastity, who has assumed the moniker "Chaz," will always really be a woman.

It’s utterly confounding that society en masse believes or pretends to believe that "transgenderism" reflects a real phenomenon of people actually trapped in the wrong body rather than a profound disruption in the development of a secure and proper sexual identity."

Maybe the author is the one who isn’t a rational person? Just saying, it’s a really good possibility.

"Of course, rational people realize that changing one’s name, cross-dressing, ingesting hormones naturally produced by the opposite sex, and electively amputating healthy parts of one’s sexual anatomy don’t really change one’s biological sex. The emperor was really ...

Sex and a Career

What careers are avaliable for me? I’m having a difficult time googling this…

My area of expertise is sex. I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with it, but I love talking about it, I am very open about it, and I know quite a bit about it (for not just my age group, but many age groups). I’d really love to turn it into a career of sorts, but I’m not quite sure how to. I really don’t want to spend 6 to 8 years in school on some sort of pyschology major, and I don’t want to get into anything medical. Does anybody have any other suggestions? I’m pretty decent at writing, painting, and I love researching. If that helps at ...

What careers are avaliable for me? I’m having a difficult time googling this…

My area of expertise is sex. I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with it, but I love talking about it, I am very open about it, ...

Further delving into Feminism and Animal Rights

I love meat. I don’t really care about healthy living. Short story shorter, I’m not an ecofeminist. The point of this article is that just because I am not an ecofeminist, doesn’t mean I’m not a feminist. It’s been rehashed several times on this website that not all feminists are created equal. I am pro-choice, sex-positive (let’s not snarl about this term, I don’t like it either but I don’t have an alternative), and several other things, but I am not an ecofeminist.

Why am I telling you this?

Because of the following comment:

“There are deep connections between feminism, an ethic of care, and animal rights. For me, those connections are so significant that I cannot imagine any feminist still willing ...

I love meat. I don’t really care about healthy living. Short story shorter, I’m not an ecofeminist. The point of this article is that just because I am not an ecofeminist, doesn’t mean I’m not a feminist. ...

News Flash: First Lady a Fashionista

There’s no doubt that Michelle Obama is a pretty smart woman. However, did you know she’s a smart dresser, too?

Of course you did. The media has turned her into a fashionista.

Nearly every article you read that mentions Michelle Obama includes some sort of description about her clothing.

In the article "Michelle Obama and the twists of first-ladyhood, by Meghan Dauwm of, one of the first things mentioned is Michella Obama’s "lava lamp" dress on election night and the "unfarmer-like outfit" she wore to plant a garden at the White House. First things first, I wasn’t aware Michelle Obama had to wear bib overalls to plant a garden, and second, I think her status as the wife to the president ...

There’s no doubt that Michelle Obama is a pretty smart woman. However, did you know she’s a smart dresser, too?

Of course you did. The media has turned her into a fashionista.

Nearly every article you read that mentions ...

Yet another AXE commercial

It’s just as charming as the others.

I’d think it was a clever commercial if it wasn’t so blatently not.

Any thoughts, feminists?

It’s just as charming as the others.

I’d think it was a clever commercial if it wasn’t so blatently not.

Any thoughts, feminists?

Fuck You, David Mccullough. Abby wasn’t joking.

I can’t give you the specific page, since I’m at the dorms and my copy of "John Adams" by David Mccullough is at home, but I just rediscovered something that pissed me off about that book. It’s actually the sole reason I stopped reading it — the simple statement lost all my respect for Mccullough as a writer and author.

Now in writing a book about John Adams, Abigail Adams is bound to come up. They’re like peanut butter and jelly — you can’t mention one without mentioning the other. Anyway, in the book the famous ‘remember the ladies’ line is mentioned.

Mccullough quickly says that Abigail Adams didn’t really mean that she wanted rights for women — he says that she ...

I can’t give you the specific page, since I’m at the dorms and my copy of "John Adams" by David Mccullough is at home, but I just rediscovered something that pissed me off about that book. It’s ...

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