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Pixar’s “Day & Night” short falls short

I went to see Toy Story 3 with my family this evening and just loved it. It was very, very sweet just like the other two.

My only qualm with the whole Pixar experience was the "Day & Night" short before Toy Story 3 began.

The short features two goofy, cartoony looking blob creatures who represent "Day" and "Night" who the audience is supposed to idendify as "male." They get riled up, competitive, agressive, and they objectify human women despite the fact that they are non-descript blob things. The general message of the short was great…the two characters, "Day" and "Night," eventually realize that their differences are beautiful and exciting and that they actually have more in common than they first thought–we shouldn’t fear the unknown or the different, but rather embrace it. And then they hug and everyone claps.

What got me was that one of the PRIMARY story elements is their objectification of women either sunbathing or splashing around and giggling in bikinis. This is their common-ground, their brotherhood. And the audience loved it, cause boys will be boys…even if they’re…blob creature things? How endearing?

I don’t know, it made me feel a bit queasy. Especially when my mom looked at me like I was some kind of freak for not laughing. Why the hell can’t we all come together and enjoy and respect eachother’s differences WITHOUT objectifying women???

Here’s a brief but offending clip from youtube.

Anyone else seen the whole thing? Thoughts?

White privilege and family disputes

I am so bewildered right now that I don’t even know if this post will come out coherently.

My brother came home to San Diego, CA from LA for his birthday today and just got a call from his apartment mate who is locked out. My brother had made the guy two spare keys and was never reimbursed for it, but the guy is mad because my brother locked all the doors when he left. The guy had left both keys in the house when he went out because he doesn’t believe in locking doors. Long story short, he blames the whole thing on my brother for locking the doors and locking him out.

My mom chimes in a says, "Well don’t ...

I am so bewildered right now that I don’t even know if this post will come out coherently.

My brother came home to San Diego, CA from LA for his birthday today and just got a call from ...

The anti-feminists come out on Youtube

I visited Youtube this morning and was pleased to see that at the top of the main page they are featuring a handful of videos spotlighting various women’s rights volunteer groups.

I noticed that the WMC (Women’s Media Center) was featured so I clicked and watched the great short video.

And then, like I know I shouldn’t have, I read the comments. Holy ****. I feel physically ill from the pages and pages of violently sexist remarks I just went over.

Someone actually says "the only cure for feminism is rape." I don’t want to get into a free-speech debate here, because in my eyes blatant, violent hate-speech should not be protected…I guess I just want to know what other people’s reactions are ...

I visited Youtube this morning and was pleased to see that at the top of the main page they are featuring a handful of videos spotlighting various women’s rights volunteer groups.

I noticed that the WMC (Women’s Media ...

CNN calls for women to “let men be men”

This is really, really bad. After some quick googling I found out that the author of this piece of work, Louann Brizendine, is hailed on several conservative blogs and has already been criticized on Feministing for her book "The Female Brain."

I am kind of shocked that CNN allowed such a crap article to be put up. I depend on them for quite a bit of my news…makes me sad. It’s riddled with bizarre generalizations about men (and women) and upholds the tired "let men be men" BS…as if it is being original or something.

Wow. I think my favorite (LEAST favorite) part is this:

And so begins the ‘Man Trance’

All that testosterone drives the "Man Trance"– that glazed-eye look ...

This is really, really bad. After some quick googling I found out that the author of this piece of work, Louann Brizendine, is hailed on several conservative blogs and has already been criticized on Feministing ...

Follow up on The Young Women’s Self Defense Initiative

Hello readers and writers,

I posted a few days ago about an idea I had for a petition involving getting female-oriented self defense programs implemented on California’s high school campuses.

I have received many suggestions from people thus far and have tried to include as many as them as possible. I realize there are many roadblocks ahead when it comes to something like this, but I decided to (begin to) go for it.

The petition can be viewed and signed here.

My initial goal was to focus on California’s schools because that seemed more manageable but people all over the place seem to be signing and supporting the petition online. So I am going to print it and use it (one the signature ...

Hello readers and writers,

I posted a few days ago about an idea I had for a petition involving getting female-oriented self defense programs implemented on California’s high school campuses.

I have received many suggestions from people thus far ...

The Young Women’s Self Defense Initiative

Hi Feministing readers and writers,
My name is Kendall and I had an idea today that I’d really love to expand upon with some of your help.
There have been so many appalling instances in the news recently regarding men’s violence against young women…two events of high school girls being kidnapped in my hometown in Southern CA, the mob rape in Richmond, CA and many, many more. It just got me thinking, why on earth are self defense classes for young women not more prevalent on high school campuses? I am sure some schools have them, but I get the feeling they are not at all popular. What is preventing people from acknowledging that if girls knew how to physically ...

Hi Feministing readers and writers,
My name is Kendall and I had an idea today that I’d really love to expand upon with some of your help.
There have been so many appalling instances in the news ...