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Feel the Bern or Stand with Her, But Please Ignore the Noise

These past weeks have not been great for feminists of any age or demographic. Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem each made comments critical of other female voters, that they were traitors to their sex for voting for Bernie Sanders.  Steinem apologized profusely and convincingly.  Discussions about feminism and generation gaps proliferated on social media.  It’s called a news cycle, and women are in one.  But not for the first time.

These past weeks have not been great for feminists of any age or demographic. Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem each made comments critical of other female voters, that they were traitors to their sex for voting for ...

An Un-Level Playing Field

As many might be aware, the FIFA Women’s World Cup occurred this summer in Canada. A casual spectator might think that women soccer players would have a relatively equal experience when compared to that of men.

As many might be aware, the FIFA Women’s World Cup occurred this summer in Canada. A casual spectator might think that women soccer players would have a relatively equal experience when compared to that of men.

pregnant woman in office

A woman’s work

This is a story about a job interview, and it is also a story about millions of job interviews. First, some context: I am an academic who works on women’s issues, and I teach at one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

This is a story about a job interview, and it is also a story about millions of job interviews. First, some context: I am an academic who works on women’s issues, and I teach at one of ...

Mommy Wars: The Milk Edition

The recent controversy in NYC about breastfeeding mothers led to an uproar among women about their right to use formula or breastfeed while they are in the hospital.  Women felt that hospitals should not deny them formula if they requested it, while hospitals are trying to promote breastfeeding and its health benefits.  I listened to a program about this on NPR, hearing women heatedly debate each other about what they should or should not do.  Really?  I thought.  This is what we are talking about again?

The trajectories of women’s work and society’s value of breastfeeding are, ironically, parallel.  As women began to be allowed in elite universities and joined the workforce in greater rates in the 1970s, so also the ...

The recent controversy in NYC about breastfeeding mothers led to an uproar among women about their right to use formula or breastfeed while they are in the hospital.  Women felt that hospitals should not deny them formula ...