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Misogyny in “The Other Guys”

I went to see “The Other Guys” thinking it would be a bunch of slapstick humor that probably wouldn’t interest me, but since I was going with a group I figured the company should be more important than the movie choice. Well, the group didn’t show up, so it ended up being my boyfriend and I, and one of our friends. Let me tell you, I’m so glad my boyfriend paid for my ticket this time because I would demand my money back if I had paid myself.

I was correct in assuming it was a bunch of stupid humor (I laughed once the entire movie; I’m not even underestimating), but what I wasn’t prepared for was the misogyny and homophobia. The latter was practically the basis for Will Ferrell’s character: his partner hates him because he acts feminine, his Prius is feminine (something about sitting inside a vagina and “did you get a dental dam with that?”), etc. His boss talks twice about the fact that his son is bisexual, something he is clearly not comfortable with but tells everyone anyway (obviously a poorly constructed joke by the writers). Two police officers, when telling someone they are being arrested, say, “I hope you like jail… and penis.” Also, Ferrell’s partner learned to dance ballet and to play the harp to make fun of the “sissies.” The list goes on. Now, I’m straight, but I still find that humor insulting and bewildering. I simply ...