Posts Written by Julie
Takeaway from Hobby Lobby Case? Make Birth Control Available Over the Counter
The Supreme Court ruling on the Hobby Lobby case perfectly illustrates the conundrums we run into in a state-run society. When it comes to contraceptives, we need to get government and employers out of it — birth control should be available over the counter.
The essence of the state is such that it uses force to uphold laws. Under a system of force, someone is going to be upset by the thing they’re being forced to comply with — in this case, the force in question was the “contraception mandate” in the Affordable Care Act that required employers of a certain size to provide access to contraceptives in their insurance plans.
Now, I’m a staunch believer that birth control should be widely and readily available. No one should block women’s access to it — not an employer or a Supreme Court judge. The Hobby Lobby case has me in a tizzy just like everyone else, because I don’t like seeing women unable to access a pill that’s safe, prevents pregnancy, reduces ovarian cysts, helps women enjoy sex for pleasure, reduces menstrual cramps — the benefits go on and on.
But I also don’t like seeing government force people to comply with laws they disagree with — or force them to do anything, for that matter. The ACA mandate in question should have us all questioning the role of state power in relation to women’s bodily autonomy and personal freedom (yes, personal freedom applies to the morally questionable individuals who run companies like Hobby Lobby, too).
Crowdfunding for all? How WePay discriminates against sex workers
Technology has opened up a world of opportunity for people struggling in a downtrodden economy. Online crowdfunding gives people freedom to fund projects they care about or simply pay their rent. But sex workers are increasingly being shut out from the opportunity.
Just ask sex worker Eden Alexander. After suffering a near-fatal reaction to a common prescription drug, she found herself bedridden and unable to work. She started an online crowdfunding campaign on the charity site GiveForward to raise money for healthcare, a home care nurse, a dog walker, and other living expenses.
Technology has opened up a world of opportunity for people struggling in a downtrodden economy. Online crowdfunding gives people freedom to fund projects they care about or simply pay their rent. But sex workers are increasingly being shut out ...
Why Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches” Can Do Better
Yesterday, Dove launched a new addition to its ongoing Real Beauty campaign. “Real Beauty Sketches” features a social experiment in women’s perceptions of themselves.
In the video, a forensic artist draws as women describe their own faces. He then listens to acquaintances describe the same women. He creates two sketches: one the women helped to create themselves, and one based on someone else’s description. The women get teary when they see the final sketches, which show their own harsh perception of themselves compared with someone else’s more positive one.
The video shows women’s tendency to self-hate, particularly on their looks. I’ve personally had to work very, very hard to eradicate my own self-deprecating thoughts–about my looks, abilities, and accomplishments. ...
Yesterday, Dove launched a new addition to its ongoing Real Beauty campaign. “Real Beauty Sketches” features a social experiment in women’s perceptions of themselves.
In the video, a forensic artist draws as women describe their own ...
Is Green Day’s New Music Video Anti-Feminist?
Last month, Green Day released this music video for their latest single, “Oh Love.” It features the band playing their catchy release in front of a few scantily-clad models, and, um, that’s pretty much it.
As a feminist and longtime Green Day fan, I have to say this video is nothing short of disappointing. Although Green Day has a history of tackling political subjects and questioning the status quo (see “Minority”, “American Idiot,” “East Jesus Nowhere,” essentially anything they released between 2004 and 2009), what I see here is nothing short of misogynistic.
This video is an embodiment of everything that’s wrong with today’s modern media. In Oh Love, we see models giving the camera blank stares, ...
Last month, Green Day released this music video for their latest single, “Oh Love.” It features the band playing their catchy release in front of a few scantily-clad models, and, um, that’s pretty much it.
As a ...
Update: PA Liquor Control Board Removes Victim-Blaming Ad
In a development that is surely a victory for feminists and social justice activists everywhere, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board decided to remove their victim-blaming ad, featured on Feministing yesterday.
The Pittsburgh Tribune Review reports that the PLCB received “thousands” of complaints about the ad, which featured a girl’s legs with her underwear around her ankles. The text read, “She didn’t want to do it, but she couldn’t say no.”
Joe Conti, CEO of the PA Liquor Control Board, is quoted in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review as saying, “It’s that fine line. Listen, in some respects the discussion that’s going on in the blogs and the interest that you’re saying, bravo. We’re creating a dialogue. We’re clearly making an impact.”
Sure, Joe, in ...
In a development that is surely a victory for feminists and social justice activists everywhere, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board decided to remove their victim-blaming ad, featured on Feministing yesterday.
The Pittsburgh Tribune Review reports that ...
PA Liquor Control Board to teens: Rape is your fault, and your friends’ fault!
The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board recently released a new ad campaign, Control Tonight, that attempts to curb teen drinking. Their case? Don’t drink too much, or else you’ll get raped, but hey–that’s your fault, because we warned you!
One ad features a young girl’s legs, underwear around the ankles, as she lays on what appears to be a bathroom floor. The text reads, “She didn’t want to do it, but she couldn’t say no.”
The campaign even blames the victim’s friends–the Control Tonight website reads:
“Calling the shots starts with you. What if you didn’t watch out for your friends during a night of drinking?”
The campaign blatantly shifts the blame onto victims and friends, and away from the very person who deserves ...
The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board recently released a new ad campaign, Control Tonight, that attempts to curb teen drinking. Their case? Don’t drink too much, or else you’ll get raped, but hey–that’s your fault, because we ...