Jessica Schreindl

Jessica Schreindl is a freelance writer and political activist in Seattle, Washington. She is a contributing writer for RoleReboot and has been published on Feministing and Mic. She graduated with her M.A. from Syracuse University where she studied film history and documentary filmmaking.

Posts Written by Jessica

The Beyonce Effect: How Feminist Pop Culture is Breaking Down Barriers

Roxane Gay over at The Guardian is upset that pretty pop stars are the new faces of feminism. In an op-ed ran Friday she expressed her great frustration that Beyoncé and the like are needed as celebrity endorsements because – it shouldn’t be that way. Shoulds and shouldn’ts aside, feminism coming to the masses via pretty pop stars and celebs is not only a net gain, it’s a necessity. Why? Because feminism has a serious image problem, one that was purposefully designed to render it unattractive to the common wo[man].

It began to take shape in the 1960s with the advance of women’s political and social power. In 1968 the Women’s Lib movement was in full force. ...

Roxane Gay over at The Guardian is upset that pretty pop stars are the new faces of feminism. In an op-ed ran Friday she expressed her great frustration that Beyoncé and the like are ...