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What is it about beautiful, successful, independent, assertive women that scares the Hell out of men so much???

This is a spin-off of the post that Adrianne posted earlier about the tribulations of being conventionally pretty. It was a great post, and I’d like to discuss it further in a slightly different direction. Before I begin, let me first forewarn you that I like to use lots of sarcasm and wit in my writings, so please don’t take every word I say literally. Also, please do not mistake anything I say as “coming from privilege”, elitist, or bragging. I came from very humble beginnings and had to work very hard for everything I have today; nothing was handed to me. But in order to fully examine and discuss this issue, I must be completely honest and tell it like it is. I just want to talk openly and frankly about being yourself and the way people (men) react to that.
First of all, I grew up in a small-town community where I still reside today. (Hopefully not for much longer!!) In my community, everyone knows everyone else. As a child and a teenager, I had very little. I was also what you would call “conventionally unattractive”. I was labeled as the class geek. I was called names like “dogface”, “ugly”, “hideous”, etc. I was also called names like “loser” and “nobody” because it was assumed by my peers (and hell, everyone else in town too) that I would never ...

Need Help Thinking Up a Title for My Pageant Platform!!

Hi everyone. I need some assistance here. I am currently working on my pageant platform which deals with contraception and reproductive rights. Basically, my platform is all about increasing access to contraceptives & spreading comprehensive sex education in order to lower the abortion rate. My coach says that I need to come up with a title for my platform. I had thought about using something like “Our Bodies, Our Destinies”, but she says that won’t work because it has O.D. in the abbreviation (overdose). So could everyone put their thinking caps on and throw out some ideas for a title for my platform?? Remember, it has to do with reproductive rights freedom ...

Hi everyone. I need some assistance here. I am currently working on my pageant platform which deals with contraception and reproductive rights. Basically, my platform is all about increasing access to contraceptives & ...

A Little Anti-Choice Craziness

I thought my fellow Feministing posters might get a few laughs out of this one. This is an example of just how looney some anti-choice people can really be. I had an abortion 8 years ago when I was in college. I had kept it pretty much a secret since I didn’t think it was anyone else’s business (and because I knew how crazy some people can get when they find out that a woman has had an abortion). Well a few years later, a fellow college girl who hated my guts did a little digging around in my past and discovered that I had had an abortion. And since she hated my guts with ...

I thought my fellow Feministing posters might get a few laughs out of this one. This is an example of just how looney some anti-choice people can really be. I had an abortion 8 years ...

I Interviewed Dr. Carhart!!

Not long ago, I read a post here on Feministing encouraging people to donate or write thank-you letters to Dr. Leroy Carhart in Nebraska. So I did just that. I wrote a lengthy letter to Dr. Carhart thanking him for the services he bravely provides to desperate grieving parents and told him a little about my own abortion experience. I also included an autographed photo of myself and an invitation to work together to protect women’s right to choose and reduce the need for abortion. (I am currently Miss Illinois US Beauties.) I wasn’t sure if Dr. Carhart would open my letter due to the high security risks he faces at his clinic everyday, but I ...

Not long ago, I read a post here on Feministing encouraging people to donate or write thank-you letters to Dr. Leroy Carhart in Nebraska. So I did just that. I wrote a lengthy letter to ...

The Common Sense Approach to a Neverending Debate

I recently read in the newspaper that the Planned Parenthood clinic where I used to go to receive my yearly Pap smears and contraceptives on E. Washington St. in Springfield is now performing abortions. To be exact, they are not performing surgical abortions, they are only dispensing the RU-486 abortion pill, which is given to women in very early stages of pregnancy who wish to terminate. I was pleased to see that this particular clinic was broadening its services to women. This will help more women receive the reproductive healthcare that they need without having to travel long distances to Champaign or Granite City. The RU-486 pill is also a much easier, cheaper, and less invasive ...

I recently read in the newspaper that the Planned Parenthood clinic where I used to go to receive my yearly Pap smears and contraceptives on E. Washington St. in Springfield is now performing abortions. To be ...

Girl-On-Girl Violence

There’s an issue that needs to be addressed that I don’t think has gotten enough attention: girl-on-girl hate and violence. We often discuss the problems with men directing violence against women, but what about the increasing occurrences of females directing violence against other females?? I think this problem has always been around under the surface, but lately it’s becoming a wide-out-in-the-open problem. Ask anyone who has ever been a schoolteacher, and I’m sure they will tell you they have seen this firsthand. I saw it during the brief time when I was a schoolteacher, and I experienced it myself when I was in college. It seems that young girls are carrying more and more ...

There’s an issue that needs to be addressed that I don’t think has gotten enough attention: girl-on-girl hate and violence. We often discuss the problems with men directing violence against women, but what about the ...

Better Hurry Up and Get Married & Have Babies Before It’s Too Late!!!

Hello, I just want to vent about something that I find extremely annoying and baffling. I’m sure many of you have probably experienced the same thing, and I just wanted to hear some other opinions and feedback on this subject. I am 28 years old, I spent 6 years working towards my Bachelor’s degree, I finally have a professional, well-paying career, and I have hopes of attaining a Master’s degree. I have spent my 20’s chasing down all of my wildest dreams and goals….I have been on television, I have done modeling work, and I currently hold TWO state pageant queen titles. I have done things that many women can only dream of. While many ...

Hello, I just want to vent about something that I find extremely annoying and baffling. I’m sure many of you have probably experienced the same thing, and I just wanted to hear some other opinions ...

A Queen On a Mission!!

I know this is outright shameless self-promotion, but I want to take a moment to introduce myself to the Feministing community. My name is Jordan and I am the reigning Miss Illinois Beauties 2009. I am a feminist, a passionate supporter of women’s rights, and a long-time fan of this blog and the issues discussed here. I am eager to begin working on networking myself and promoting my platform issues throughout my home state of Illinois and across the country. As a feminist who is also a pageant queen, I am well aware of the negative view many women have of beauty pageants and beauty queens. We are often portrayed as dumb, pretty girls who are ...

I know this is outright shameless self-promotion, but I want to take a moment to introduce myself to the Feministing community. My name is Jordan and I am the reigning Miss Illinois Beauties 2009. I ...