Posts Written by Erica

Blogging and Academic Elitism within Feminism

Feminism is a complicated word with varied connotations. Many people associate feminism with snooty academic elites. While this does not apply to all feminism, there is certainly an issue of academic elitism within much of mainstream feminism. Luckily, there are solutions available. To combat the rampant academic elitism within feminism, serious attention must be given to feminist news and political blogs as valid scholarly sources. We, as feminists, must acknowledge that elitism exists and that elitism is a problem. We must work to combat this elitism. One way to do this is through blogs.

Toxic Work Culture and College Students

By now, most people have read, or at least read about Anne-Marie Slaughter’s New York Times article “A Toxic Work World.” Slaughter brings up many excellent points that we feminists have been pointing to for a long time. But what about workplaces that aren’t toxic because of gender inequalities? What if they’re toxic just because of the nature of capitalistic work?

By now, most people have read, or at least read about Anne-Marie Slaughter’s New York Times article “A Toxic Work World.” Slaughter brings up many excellent points that we feminists have been pointing to for a ...