
Feminist evangelist working on an MA in Sociology. Music and book junkie....

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Vote since your rights depend on it

Susan B. Anthony once said, “No self respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party that ignores her sex.” (1872 and 1964).

These words are important to remember, especially in the upcoming 2012 elections that will determine the progress or rollback of women’s rights. When asked about pay equality at the second presidential debate, President Obama stated the importance of women’s progress, the signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Act and the necessity for women to make their own healthcare decisions. Mitt Romney, (aka Mittens), said he had women’s organizations compile “binders full of women” because his administration did not have any female workers. He failed in answering the pivotal question. His stance on contraception? He states, “I just know that I don’t think bureaucrats in Washington should tell someone whether they can use contraceptives or not, and I don’t believe employers should tell someone whether they have contraceptive care or not,” Romney said during Tuesday night’s debate. “Every woman in America should have access to contraceptives and the president’s statement on my policy is completely and totally wrong.”
His perception of the healthcare law is wrong…however, I find it ironic that he “doesn’t believe bureaucrats in Washington can tell someone they can or cannot use contraceptive”….yet his running mate, Paul Ryan has supported personhood amendments that would criminalize abortion and worked with Rep Todd Akin (R-MO) on the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” which referred rape to ...

Responding to the New York Times….

Apparently certain people in society feel obliged to feel sorry for rapists. The New York Times article by James C. Mckinley Jr. on March 9, reported on the gang-rape of an eleven-year old girl rocked the journalistic boat. Although journalists may take non-bias approaches, this journalist captured the communities responses of sympathizing with the assailants. Some blamed the girl for her “older” appearance wearing make-up and dressing “provocatively”-insinuating that the girl asked for it. Other community members believed the girl made the story that eighteen boys and men gang-raped her and wanted her culpability for the charges being made.

This all began back in November when a fellow classmate of the ...

Apparently certain people in society feel obliged to feel sorry for rapists. The New York Times article by James C. Mckinley Jr. on March 9, reported on the gang-rape of an eleven-year old girl rocked ...

Birth Control Matters

Imagine yourself after one night of unprotected sex. What would be your first reaction besides utter panic? You may be wondering where your birth control is or if she is even on the pill. Now, take the same situation and imagine that you did not have any birth control because you could not afford the co-pay. You now enter the risk of an unplanned pregnancy and your preparation is zero. Men, you are now a baby’s daddy and can choose to stick around or become a dead-beat dad. Ladies, you have options to keep, abort or put the baby up for adoption but the fact remains that your entire life will change no matter your decision.

Now some may claim that ...

Imagine yourself after one night of unprotected sex. What would be your first reaction besides utter panic? You may be wondering where your birth control is or if she is even on the pill. Now, take the ...

Patriarchy and policy

   There have been numerous debates over the repeal of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.” Leaders like McCain want to select who can sustain membership of our Armed forces based on one’s sexuality. They say not now, but the question is when? When can ordinary human beings extricate themselves from closets of intolerance? Those that serve for the sake of ‘democracy’ risk their lives to preserve the ‘freedom’ that Americans so happily praise. McCain and other leaders claim, “Troops would quit in droves” if Congress changes the policy. He also states that troops are “Mature enough to make a judgment on who they want to serve with and the impact on their battle effectiveness.” How does it make sense to have ...

   There have been numerous debates over the repeal of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.” Leaders like McCain want to select who can sustain membership of our Armed forces based on one’s sexuality. They say not now, but ...


Here are some questions I believe we can all answer…Have you ever felt like a “loser” because you don’t have that “special” someone? Have you found yourself eating Ben and Jerrys on your couch, watching the romantic movies to remind you what you don’t have? Have you watched your phone countless times to see if he called?  It happens and I know first hand how that feeling constructs your mood, your self-esteem, your value as an overall human being.

Here are some questions I believe we can all answer…Have you ever felt like a “loser” because you don’t have that “special” someone? Have you found yourself eating Ben and Jerrys on your couch, watching the romantic movies to remind ...