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Is Glee the biggest Senior Prank ever?

After watching each new episode, I remain unsure of whether Glee is one big joke on the entire blogosphere. I wonder whether, in fact, Glee’s writers, Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Ian Brennan, are laughing at feminists, queer advocates, differently abled folks, and communities of color, who explode with anger and blast Glee headlines across the internet before tuning in for the next episode. Just how meta is this show?
This week’s episode was another onslaught of disconcerting messaging about beauty. Within the episode, titled “The Power of Madonna,” this week’s musical challenge to the Glee club at McKinley High School was to empower the ensemble’s young women to demand respect from their male peers by singing Madonna songs. Quite a feminist message! But what about women demanding respect from each other? As a Jewish character and the female lead, Rachel Berry primarily endures harassment from other women in the choir. In the first scene, one of the cheerleaders is seen sketching Rachel’s face with illustrated Jewish stereotypes, and the title “Loser.” The cartoon-Rachel has a humongous, knobbly nose, frizzy hair, and buck teeth.
These anti-semitic stereotypes are a century and two World Wars old! And as Chloe wrote last week, the “Liz Lemoning” of characters like Rachel is out of control:

One of the running themes of Glee is that Rachel, played by Lea Michele, is talented, but annoying, badly dressed and physically ...

Controversy erupts over UC Berkeley’s decision to divest from arm sales

On March 17, the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) Senate, composed of 20 elected students from UC Berkeley, voted on two resolutions that urged divestment from General Electric and United Technologies, both of which are American companies. As one of these 20 student senators, I have received more than 5,000 emails in support and opposition to this bill (Bill text available here).
Authors and supporters of the bill include students from the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions, or BDS, movement. The bill does three things: It urges UC divestment from General Electric and United Technologies, it condemns war crimes committed by Israel that were detailed in the UN’s Goldstone Report and details how ...

On March 17, the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) Senate, composed of 20 elected students from UC Berkeley, voted on two resolutions that urged divestment from General Electric and United Technologies, both of ...

Healthcare reform: Now serving students

Having witnessed my first ever tea party protest on the steps of the Capitol Sunday evening, and enjoyed a real-life Michele Bachmann sighting, I am mostly delighted that any form of healthcare passed.
College students will gain incredible new rights to healthcare and education after Sunday night’s vote on healthcare reform, and after Thursday’s signing of the budget reconciliation bill. The two biggest accomplishments are the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA), as part of budget reconciliation, and the extension of parents’ or guardians’ insurance coverage until one turns 26.
1. Students Over Banks (SAFRA)
SAFRA is landmark legislation. It will increase the Federal Pell Grant, offered to students from low-income families, from $5,350 to $5,530 ...

Having witnessed my first ever tea party protest on the steps of the Capitol Sunday evening, and enjoyed a real-life Michele Bachmann sighting, I am mostly delighted that any form of healthcare passed.
College students will ...

How not to (not to) spend Spring Break

It’s that time of year again–Spring Break time.
Spring academic recesses will break out across the nation. Some will stay home with family, or remain at school and study. Some will choose a public service alternative, or spend time with a domestic or international aid organization. Despite these attractive spring break options, countless people will still choose to go absolutely hog-wild writing articles on just how dangerous it is to party.
Many college publications have weighed in on Spring Break plans, and even J-WOWW offered sage advice. I may as well throw my hat in the ring– here are my “do’s” and “don’ts” of spring break advice lists:
DO ...

It’s that time of year again–Spring Break time.
Spring academic recesses will break out across the nation. Some will stay home with family, or remain at school and study. Some will choose a public service ...

Police Brutality Against CA Protesters for Higher Education…Again

Thursday, March 4, a group of UC Davis students marching through campus began to approach a freeway on-ramp for the purposes of occupation, and Yolo County Sheriff’s Department officers blocked the route. They shot pepper balls at students’ feet as the marchers continued to approach the on-ramp. Abruptly, the police pulled Laura Mitchell, a student and queer leader at UC Davis, from the front of the crowd, dragging her along the ground, ripping her shirt off, and holding her hostage until protesters agreed to dissipate. Police alleged no injuries were sustained by any in the crowd. The video clearly demonstrates otherwise.

Below is a video account of the afternoon ordeal. **Trigger Warning: Police violence at ...

Thursday, March 4, a group of UC Davis students marching through campus began to approach a freeway on-ramp for the purposes of occupation, and Yolo County Sheriff’s Department officers blocked the route. They shot pepper balls ...

March 4 Day of Action: Healing the University of California

On the morning of California’s largest statewide strike and Day of Action for Public Education to date, University of California campuses continue to be plagued by a slew of racist, homophobic, Anti-semitic and transphobic actions.
****Trigger Warning****
Hate Round-up:
LGBT Resource Center Vandalized at UC Davis

This was discovered Saturday morning. There are responses from the LGBT Resource Center and from the Co-Chair of the State UCLGBTQIA Association.
Swastika Carved into Jewish Student’s Door at UC Davis
The incident is being investigated as a hate crime.

On the morning of California’s largest statewide strike and Day of Action for Public Education to date, University of California campuses continue to be plagued by a slew of racist, homophobic, Anti-semitic and transphobic actions.
****Trigger ...

Australia’s “Year of Women in Local Government”

Australia has declared 2010 to be the “Year of Women in Local Government,” launching an empowering new website to promote the initiative. The most common statistic cited in the speeches surrounding the program shows that in 2009, women accounted for less than 30 per cent of councilors, 20 per cent of senior managers and only five percent of CEOs.

The Government’s commitment includes:
– $250,000 for a three-year 50:50 Vision: Councils for Gender Equity program which will audit councils and shires to determine the status and role of women in leadership roles as well as their participation in the workplace.
– $100,000 in scholarship funding to enable senior women in local government to participate in the new Executive Leadership ...

Australia has declared 2010 to be the “Year of Women in Local Government,” launching an empowering new website to promote the initiative. The most common statistic cited in the speeches surrounding the program shows that ...

South Korea’s Baby-Making Blackout

In Seoul, the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs has now explored a new tactic to boost South Korea’s population growth: turning out the lights. At 7 PM today, and once a month subsequently, the lights in the government building will be turned out.

Generous gift vouchers are on offer for officials who have more than one child, and the department organises social gatherings in the hope of fostering love amongst its bureaucrats.

But critics say what is really needed is widescale reform to tackle the burdensome cost of childcare and education that puts many young people off starting a family.

The complaint of the burdensome cost of childcare and education is highly relevant when examining who comprises the ...

In Seoul, the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs has now explored a new tactic to boost South Korea’s population growth: turning out the lights. At 7 PM today, and once a month ...

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