Posts Written by Andrea

The New York Diaries: My Journey

Ann’s post, She Should Write, in part encouraged me to pursue my dream of living in New York and becoming a writer.

A little over a year ago, I made the move. I packed my car and transferred my job to New York, but things didn’t go as planned. I found myself months later without a place to live, no access to my car, no money and in a city full a strangers.

I had to rely on the kindness of friends that I had made here for food and a place to live. Things got rough, and I was super homesick for the place where everyone knew me.

Things have vastly improved now, and I am posting about my experiences on my blog, from the time I arrived, to when I resorted to dancing at bars for cash, to now: working two jobs and writing every chance I can. 

Twelve Other Things The Koch Brothers Could Invest In Instead Of The Republican Party

Buy everyone in America an electric car. Build a cruise ship a la Fifth Element that can orbit around the earth. Bonus: if it can go faster than the speed of light. Build an underwater city and name it Atlantis. Invest in art education for public schools. Invest in stem cell research. Invest in AIDS research. Invest in cryogenics. Invest in Teleportation research. (I can dream.) Invest in invisibility technology (this one is actually true.) Finally get the invisible condom out on the market. End world hunger. Give us all free birth control.

You see where I’m going with this. I can go on all day. How about you? Tweet your ideas with the hashtag #innovation, and maybe we can start a movement.

Buy everyone in America an electric car. Build a cruise ship a la Fifth Element that can orbit around the earth. Bonus: if it can go faster than the speed of light. Build an underwater city and name it ...