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Life, Debt and Character: The Individualizing Rhetoric of Rape in the Media Does No One Justice

As the Strauss-Kahn case devolves into a messy game of character assessment, each day revealing a new “fact” about the accuser who up until this point has remained nameless, I am left with a familiar feeling of feminist déjà vu. It was only weeks ago that two NYC police officers were acquitted of a rape, a crime that one of them verbally admitted. This acquittal happened largely on the basis of the accuser’s – the victim’s- actions. The fact that she was “drunk”, “drunken”, “partying”, or any other number of adjectives were splashed across front cover stories, is as well known as the fact that the officer’s were accused of a crime. The problem with this individualizing rhetoric, one that focuses on the activities and personality of the accuser, is that it misses the point. Sexual assault and rape are a reflection of larger power structures in our society; the fact that police officers not only have access to the means to commit such a violent and heinous crime, but that they can be acquitted is a testament to the structures in play that protect them from being prosecuted.

It is in this climate that people are beginning to question the “credibility” of a housekeeper who accused one of the most financially prominent and powerful men in the world of sexual assault. I cannot imagine being in her shoes; not only did she make the decision to report the sexual assault to ...

Rape, Good Victims and HORRIBLE JOURNALISM

So I wake up this morning and as I am pilfering through the morning news I read a story on the NYTimes about how the Strauss-Kahn case is “on the verge of collapse.” Now, when the allegations came out against Strauss-Kahn I was shocked at the media’s response to the case. There were minimal stories on the background of the accuser, on what she was doing that day, on who she hung out with or the things she liked to do. She was taken seriously as someone who was REPORTING A CRIME, her credibility was not undermined by journalists “uncovering” facts about her sexuality, her situation or things of that nature.

As the media ran out of things to write ...

So I wake up this morning and as I am pilfering through the morning news I read a story on the NYTimes about how the Strauss-Kahn case is “on the verge of collapse.” Now, when the ...