alicia walters

Alicia Walters is a social justice communications strategist and policy advocate through Creative Justice Works, a consulting company she founded in 2010. As a consultant, she collaborates with individuals and organizations to develop transformative strategies to improve their communities and shift culture toward respect and justice for those historically marginalized. In addition to being a fierce advocate and strategist, Alicia is a performing artist and can be seen performing works as a part of Deep Waters Dance Theater. Whether singing, dancing, interviewing, facilitating, organizing, or otherwise doing her thing, Alicia approaches all of life with her mind on justice and her heart on her sleeve. Alicia lives and works in Oakland, California.

Posts Written by alicia

Pleasure Politics Part I: Employment, Economic Justice, and the Erotic

By Taja Lindley 
Originally posted on the Strong Families blog

Too often we are led to believe that work must be something separate from pleasure: that we are to do what we love on the side, in our spare time; that pleasure is an extra-curricular activity, a hobby, a side gig. As if only a privileged few are supposed to do work that is fulfilling and passion-driven. As if pleasure is a luxury, not a necessity.

Know: these are lies.

In the U.S. we have been conditioned to work to survive, to get by, to pay bills, to stay afloat, living a day-to-day and paycheck-to-paycheck existence. We have been conditioned to work most of our lives so we can enjoy pleasurable activities in our free time, pre-determined holidays, limited vacation and, if we’re lucky, during retirement. The U.S. “reduces work to a travesty of necessities, a duty by which we earn bread or oblivion for ourselves and those we love.”

Listen closely: when policymakers, public figures and the media talk about the current status of the economy and high unemployment, the discussion revolves around jobs. As it should: people are looking for work. But when the narrative around jobs is unconcerned with how work connects to the passion, purpose, ambitions and talents of workers, our economy does a disservice to our humanity and our creativity. The conversation reinforces a narrative that implies that any job will do. What about purpose? What about passion? Yes: we’ve ...

Why I got married (as if it’s any of your beeswax)


“Get out your card, honey, we’re splitting this.”

“Oh…we are? I thought this was your treat tonight.”

“Nope. I already spent $300 on this trip…”

“Yeah, and I bought breakfast this morning, the cab ride, we split dinner last night, I paid for our bags…

…And on and on it goes. If you can’t tell, I’m in a relationship. A newly married one. With a man. It’s lovely. No, really, it is. I love him…so much it overwhelms me sometimes. Even when he absolutely pisses me off, embarrasses me, disappoints me. Still love the guy. Workin’ it out as best we can even when our equity agreements (as above) get confusing.

He’s a New Yorker by way of Jamaica. He’s a feminist. A ...


“Get out your card, honey, we’re splitting this.”

“Oh…we are? I thought this was your treat tonight.”

“Nope. I already spent $300 on this trip…”

“Yeah, and I bought breakfast this morning, the cab ride, we split dinner ...