Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

In great news for abortion access, the Supreme Court has overturned a Texas law requiring clinics that provide abortions to have surgical facilities and doctors to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. Here’s how women at Whole Women’s Health celebrated. 

“Freedom is somehow always conditional here. You’re free, they keep telling us. But she would have been alive if she hadn’t acted so… free,” Jesse Williams speaking truth to power at the BET Awards.

This report suggests that lawsuits are the next step in the movement to fight climate change.

Activists are blocking the road to Atlanta’s ICE office in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to block deportation relief.

“To ensure that all people and all families have the opportunity to thrive, our political platforms must be intersectional, so that the most marginalized are centered and our whole lives are honored.” Read the entire speech SisterSong Executive Director Monica Simpson made before the DNC.

Elevating the voices of Black women living with HIV on National HIV Testing Day.


Bay Area, California

Juliana is a digital storyteller for social change. As a writer at Feministing since 2013, her work has focused on women's movements throughout the Americas for environmental justice, immigrant rights, and reproductive justice. In addition to her writing, Juliana is a Senior Campaigner at Change.org, where she works to close the gap between the powerful and everyone else by supporting people from across the country to launch, escalate and win their campaigns for justice.

Juliana is a Latina feminist writer and campaigner based in the Bay Area.

Read more about Juliana

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