Thank you Thursdays: Miriam Z. Perez

It’s been a few months since our beloved editor Miriam Perez left the mix here at Feministing–and she has been busy while she’s been gone! First, she crowd funded to create a Radical Doula guide which she has been hard at work on, then she helped run this kick-ass Mother’s Day  Day campaign for the Strong Families Initiative and now, she’s giving TED talks on her important work as a radical doula.

Watch The Business (our nickname for Miriam) shine here at DePaul’s TEDx conference.

As this talk makes clear, Miriam is more than an advocate for women who need support with their reproductive decisions–when she talks about compassion, she means it. Having known her and been friends with her for a few years, compassion for Miriam is not just about being nice and loving to those in needs, it’s a methodology and tool for social change that influences all the work she does. Whether it is in her writing or in her activism, she comes with recognition of those that are the disenfranchised, erased or ignored.

Thank you Miriam for continually pushing us to go deeper in our work to incorporate analysis and communities that would be otherwise overlooked.

We miss you!

(transcript coming)


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