An introduction from Equal Writes!

I’m thrilled to introduce the kick-ass writers from Equal Writes, Princeton’s one and only feminist blog, who will be writing for  Feministing Campus. We’re very flattered to be included in this exciting new project, and we can’t wait to start sharing our (hopefully) delightful mishmash of perspectives with all of you. I’ll begin by introducing myself, and then give you a sense for our other writers’ interests and backgrounds, so that you’ll have a small taste of what we hope to contribute.

I (Amelia) am a senior, majoring in Religion with a certificate (Princeton-speak for minor) in Women & Gender Studies, and I’ve been a co-editor of Equal Writes ever since the blog was founded back in September 2008. Last year, I co-founded Let’s Talk Sex, Princeton’s first sex-positive group, a project that was partially sparked by my ongoing fascination with the intersections between sexuality, gender, and religion. I am a firm believer in the collaborative power behind feminist activism; I’m also a sucker for nineteenth-century novels and vintage dresses.

Thúy-Lan Võ Lite is EW’s amazing co-editor. She’s a junior, majoring in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology with a certificate in Women & Gender Studies. She’s a passionate advocate for reproductive justice and women’s health, and writes often and well about the intersections between feminism and science.

Katie Rodriguez, our summer guest editor, is a senior Psychology major with a certificate in Women & Gender Studies (sensing a pattern here?). At Princeton, she’s the co-president of SHARE (Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources, and Education), and her independent research focuses on sexual assault and mental health issues. She loves raw cashews, Wax Tailor, and most things gay.

Laura Smith-Gary graduated from Princeton in 2008 with a degree in Religion (woot!). Since then, she has been a High Meadows Fellow at The Food Project, a Boston-area nonprofit that employs teenagers to grow vegetables on sustainable urban and suburban farms and work to remedy race-, class-, and geography-based inequities in food access. You can look forward to her intelligent, incisive reports on international issues.

Nick Cox graduated from Princeton just last month (June 2010); he was also a member of the wonderful Religion department. He has been writing a series on women in popular music on Equal Writes (you can read his awesome pieces on Lady Gaga and Ke$ha here and here), and will continue to bring his eloquent musings on pop culture to Feministing.

Camille François, a native of Paris, spent the past year as an exchange student at Princeton, where she lit up various stages as part of L’Avant-Scène, a French theater workshop. She loves the work of Virginie Despentes, the author of King Kong Theory (if you haven’t read it, you should definitely check it out), and is currently exploring the frontiers of online political organizing.

Alison Thurston is a junior in the Politics department.  A member of one of Princeton’s all-female a cappella groups, she also gave a dazzling performance in this year’s production of The Vagina Monologues. She’ll be writing about current events, pop culture, and everything in between.

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