The anti-feminists come out on Youtube

I visited Youtube this morning and was pleased to see that at the top of the main page they are featuring a handful of videos spotlighting various women’s rights volunteer groups.

I noticed that the WMC (Women’s Media Center) was featured so I clicked and watched the great short video.

And then, like I know I shouldn’t have, I read the comments. Holy ****. I feel physically ill from the pages and pages of violently sexist remarks I just went over.

Someone actually says "the only cure for feminism is rape." I don’t want to get into a free-speech debate here, because in my eyes blatant, violent hate-speech should not be protected…I guess I just want to know what other people’s reactions are to this video and the following comments. Do they bother you deeply or can you brush them off because it’s well…Youtube, and no one expects much out of the Youtube commenters anyway?

I just can’t believe how much these guys (and a few women) HATE women from behind their computer screens. Makes me utterly terrified to think that I probably run into these people (or others like them) unknowingly in real life.

Is there anything I/we can do about this? Is it worthwhile to report violent/threatening/misogynistic comments?

Any comments or insights are appreciated.


Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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