CNN calls for women to “let men be men”

This is really, really bad. After some quick googling I found out that the author of this piece of work, Louann Brizendine, is hailed on several conservative blogs and has already been criticized on Feministing for her book "The Female Brain."

I am kind of shocked that CNN allowed such a crap article to be put up. I depend on them for quite a bit of my news…makes me sad. It’s riddled with bizarre generalizations about men (and women) and upholds the tired "let men be men" BS…as if it is being original or something.

Wow. I think my favorite (LEAST favorite) part is this:

And so begins the ‘Man Trance’

All that testosterone drives the "Man Trance"– that glazed-eye look a man gets when he sees breasts. As a woman who was among the ranks of the early feminists, I wish I could say that men can stop themselves from entering this trance. But the truth is, they can’t. Their visual brain circuits are always on the lookout for fertile mates. Whether or not they intend to pursue a visual enticement, they have to check out the goods.

To a man, this is the most natural response in the world, so he’s dismayed by how betrayed his wife or girlfriend feels when she sees him eyeing another woman. Men look at attractive women the way we look at pretty butterflies. They catch the male brain’s attention for a second, but then they flit out of his mind. Five minutes later, while we’re still fuming, he’s deciding whether he wants ribs or chicken for dinner. He asks us, "What’s wrong?" We say, "Nothing." He shrugs and turns on the TV. We smolder and fear that he’ll leave us for another woman.

Vomit!!!! There is so much wrong with that I don’t even want to begin. He CAN’T control himself? Really? The butterfly comment? The assumption that women’s breasts are a worldwide fetish?!!!


Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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