Follow up on The Young Women’s Self Defense Initiative

Hello readers and writers,

I posted a few days ago about an idea I had for a petition involving getting female-oriented self defense programs implemented on California’s high school campuses.

I have received many suggestions from people thus far and have tried to include as many as them as possible. I realize there are many roadblocks ahead when it comes to something like this, but I decided to (begin to) go for it.

The petition can be viewed and signed here.

My initial goal was to focus on California’s schools because that seemed more manageable but people all over the place seem to be signing and supporting the petition online. So I am going to print it and use it (one the signature goal is reached) as an informal supplement to the hard copy petitions I will print and take around to schools in the two CA cities I am affiliated with.

I am already hearing from a lot of high school girls and parents that this is what they want and they’re willing to back these efforts.

Please, please sign the petition and forward it/e-mail it/post it to as many people as you can!

With Chelsea King from my high school who was raped and murdered last weekend, and for all women and girls who are victims and/or survivors of men’s physical and sexual violence in mind and heart, I thank you.

Kendall Sallay

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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