A Little Anti-Choice Craziness

I thought my fellow Feministing posters might get a few laughs out of this one. This is an example of just how looney some anti-choice people can really be. I had an abortion 8 years ago when I was in college. I had kept it pretty much a secret since I didn’t think it was anyone else’s business (and because I knew how crazy some people can get when they find out that a woman has had an abortion). Well a few years later, a fellow college girl who hated my guts did a little digging around in my past and discovered that I had had an abortion. And since she hated my guts with a passion, naturally she took this opportunity to call me a “murdering whore” and a “baby killer” at every opportunity and event old me that I needed to get my ass to a church and beg God for forgiveness for what I had done and that I “should’ve kept my legs closed if I wasn’t ready for that”. Several more years passed, and she was STILL ranting on and on about me being “baby killer”, trying to make me feel ashamed for what I had done.

In fact, she began spreading rumors and accusing me of having had MULTIPLE abortions all the time, even though I have only had ONE abortion in my life. According to her, whenever I had a new boyfriend, I would “lie about getting pregnant to trap the guy into staying with me” and then “lie about having an abortion” to cover myself. Right. Ironically, even if this WERE true, how could I be a “baby killer who had abortions all the time” if I was supposedly LYING about being pregnant and didn’t even have a fetus to abort?? I guess her feeble brain never comprehended that contradiction. LMAO!! By this time, I was in my late 20’s and finally ready to start a family of my own.” She used to stalk me online 24/7 through AOL instant messenger, MySpace, Facebook, blogs I frequently posted on, etc. in order to learn so much about me and my personal life, and he picked up on the vibe that I was now WANTING to have a child. So then she suddenly did a complete 180 and started ranting that I “couldn’t have kids” because I was “rotten egged bitch who would never know the joys of being able to have a child to hold and call my own” (I’m not infertile, just like I don’t have an abortion every month either). At the same time she was foaming at the mouth about me being “infertile”, she was STILL accusing me of constantly having abortions and killing my babies. Could someone please explain to me how it is physically possible to have continuous abortions if you are supposedly infertile and can’t even get pregnant in the first place?!?!? On top of all that, this girl got pregnant and had a daughter (she got pregnant on purpose to trap a guy she barely knew into staying with her….the same thing she always accused ME of doing. Perhaps it was her own guilty conscience talking??). So while she was gloating about me being unable to have children and killing my unborn children all the time (what a contradiction!), she was simultaneously rubbing her own pregnancy and new baby in my face by sending me emails telling me to “be jealous of her beautiful growing belly” and posting photos of her new baby on MySpace with photo captions saying “I’d be jealous of my PERFECT baby, too!” (I guess to anti-choicers, a baby is nothing more than an object to be used as either a punishment or a bragging tool. And I could see a 14 year old new mother acting this way towards her own new baby, but for a 24 year old to act so immature about having a child is just SAD!!) She even made a webpage telling all about how I have murdered so many innocent babies and how she feels so sorry for me that I’m not able to get pregnant. (Again, it’s not logically possible for someone who is infertile or has always lied about being pregnant to keep having multiple abortions.) Finally one day, I called her to the carpet and said, “OK bitch, which is it? Am I a baby killer or am I never been pregnant before because I’m either infertile or I just lie about being pregnant? WHICH IS IT?? I kept asking the question over and over and over until after several moments of silence, she finally answered “You’re BOTH. You’re a baby killer and a liar who has never been pregnant.” Um, oooooook. The moral of this story? Anti-choicers can be so crazy that they completely lose touch with logic and reality like this poor bitch has!! Actually, I don’t know if I would really label this girl as anti-choice, because I can guarantee you that she would be the first in line to have an abortion if she ever found herself in a situation where she DIDN’T want to have a child. But at the very least, she is obviously completely insane and STUPID!! I apologize if I have offended anyone with this post, but this whole affair just really annoyed me and pissed me off, and I needed to rant about it to feel better and get it out of my system. So thanks for letting me vent!!! Hope you got a few laughs out of it to brighten your day!!

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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